Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Defining a Hero: Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and Atticus Finch’s Heroism Essay

The definition of a hero is varied and intricate. While there are certain types of heroism such as altruistic heroism, or other machismo bravado this paper will seek to find a definition to the specific heroism as exhibited in Harper Lee’s character Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird. A discussion of the definition of hero according to literary terms (as defined by the Greeks, Aristotle and Plato – especially using his philosophy on morality) will be used to set up the paper in order to discover what makes Atticus Finch a classic hero. Such issues as racism and bravery against prejudice will strongly support this thesis claim. The idea of heroism in the form of a literary character has its roots with Greek drama. This drama expressed heroes as having a major flaw. It was this flaw which at once destroyed them but also allowed them to be human and therefore be able to be labeled as heroes. In finding this definition them the readers of Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird must consider what odds are against Atticus Finch and what flaws or flaw he has in his character that allow him to be a human hero. Aristotle’s definition for a hero is one who is not in control of his own fate, but instead is ruled by the gods in one fashion or another – in the case of Atticus Finch his fate and the fate of his trial is determined by the jury. It is then the jury who exhibit control over Finch’s fate and the fate of his client. Although Atticus is a hero of Lee’s story, he must be considered a tragic hero for his bravery is met by opposition and it is this opposition that ultimately wins the battle of justice versus prejudice in Harper Lee’s novel. The tragic hero for Aristotle is tragic because of their lack of control or will in the face of their predetermined future and downfall – a predetermined future which is well established in the bigotry of the jurors in the court case scenes whereby Atticus is shown to be a hero as well as showing his ultimate downfall in the jury convicting Tom Robinson of rape. A great tragic flaw (hamartia) is the hero’s devil may care attitude at the beginning of each story, and then their despondency and stagnation of hope that meets them at the end of the play. This is shown with Atticus’ belief that justice will prevail in the courtroom and his revelation of Mayella Ewell making sexual passes toward Tom and her drunken father Bob Ewell catching her in the act. Thus, hope seems to be lost for the hero. Therefore, although Atticus Finch may be defined as a hero his heroism character traits in the novel still is marked by failure. While Atticus is defined as a hero, his heroism is determined by subjective narration. Harper Lee tells his story through the voice of Scout, Atticus’ daughter, therefore, the idealism with which a daughter has for their father is already in play in determining the character traits of heroism in Atticus Finch (this can be strongly seen when Scout fights the other kids at the playground for calling her father a ‘nigger lover’). Although there is a sincere amount of idealism in play in the novel in regards to Scout’s viewpoint of her father, there are other elements of the story which aid in defining Atticus’ heroism. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird racism is ubiquitous with the young culture in the town. Just as Atticus is a lawyer in the book, Scout the narrator and child depicts the scene of racism thusly, â€Å"My fists were clenched I was ready to make fly. Cecil Jacobs had announced the day before that Scout Finch’s daddy defended niggers. † Though Scout continually defends Atticus on the playground and in other parts of town, the racist remarks do not stop. Even Scout’s cousin Francis is overwhelmingly supplied with racist remarks, â€Å"At a safe distance her called, `He’s nothin’ but a nigger-lover’.† In Scout’s defense of her father the reader is already subjected to her viewpoint on Atticus being a hero – and a hero is made that much grander when they are up against the evil majority of a town and they have the support of their family. It is perhaps both of these elements; that of going against the odds and of Scout’s unquestionable devotion to her father’s cause, that make Atticus Finch a hero. It is in racism, and the reality of that prejudice that the entire town’s lives are changed, and the political arena of the courtroom shows itself as discriminatory. It is against this charge of discrimination that Atticus may be defined as a hero, and it is also his failure against this prejudice that makes him a tragic hero. Modern literature juxtaposes a character’s dwindling faith in themselves and reality. Atticus’ reality is that he is trying to save a person in a town wherein they are already found guilty by the color of their skin. There are elements of justice and finding the truth beneath the guise of bigotry that play a major part in support of Atticus’ being a hero. His unwavering pursuit of justice against these odds is what chiefly finds him out to become a hero not in his son’s vision of a father (in that subjective viewpoint) but in a more universal definition: Heroism through moral judgment. In classic Greek drama, Plato’s idea of morality is presented as rational action. Morality isn’t a free will that governs humanity’s actions, but rather it is universal reason (life as a whole) that dictates action, thus in is found Atticus’ heroism. In his moral judgment in defending Tom Robinson and even going against a lynch mob in his pursuit of that justice create in Lee’s story a dynamic force of this moral reality. In Atticus’ is awakened the sense of racial heroism, as Crespino states â€Å"In the twentieth century, To Kill a Mockingbird is probably the most widely read book dealing with race in America, and its protagonist, Atticus Finch, the most enduring fictional image of racial heroism. † (Crespino 9). It is perhaps this one pursuit that most clearly defines the type of heroism found in Atticus Finch’s character, that of a seeker and of a tragic hero. It is in his morality that such a definition can most succinctly be expounded. Human nature is a nature of reason, not strictly adherent to passion or feelings, but rather to a higher calling – it is this higher calling in which readers find Atticus’ heroism, his morality despite an adverse reality. Morality then, becomes the crux of finding heroism in Harper Lee’s novel. Morality is reason. This is not to say that Plato and other classic Greek writers were ascetic; rather they placed passion, and feelings in their plays but the ethics of humanity being tied into the good of a person. Being virtuous, or good leads a character to happiness or release at the end of a story, but it is this lack of release that allows Atticus’ specific type of heroism to exist. He goes into the court case fighting for Tom’s innocence with full knowledge of what his opposition is in that town. The word for this given by Plato is eudemonism, which means blissful and it is the lack of this eudemonism that makes Atticus such a striking and memorable literary character. Atticus was a man filled with faith in human nature; an optimist/realist of some sorts. Plato’s philosophy of human nature doing evil was that a person only does evil in ignorance, for he believed everyone, just as himself wants only what is good, which is Atticus’ attitude in the novel and the quality that makes him a great lawyer is not a hero. In modern literature, the lesson is not about escapism but coming to terms with life and making a fundamental choice, a moral choice. Choices can be broken down into good and evil in modern literature in defining a hero, or to be more exact they can be dichotomized into heroic and a state of succumbing to one’s own humanity. The tragic hero may witness evil deeds and be in a constant state of exposure to them, but in the end of a novel, virtue is heeded. The source of a character doing evil or good is brought about by unlimited desire. Something that goes unmitigated becomes possessive of that person and they in turn want, and want, without satiation which is what Mayella’s character exhibits. This is when the appetitive part of the soul (the part of the soul that wants sex, food, etc. ) overtakes the rational (part seeking truth, and reason) of the soul resulting in moral weakness or akrasia – it is a weakness that does not belong to the character traits of Atticus Finch. By giving Atticus such moral aberrant characters as Mayella and her father, Lee is making Atticus’ heroism that much more pronounced. It is not then self-interest that leads a person to happiness, and there is a definite equilibrium between the allowance of each part of the soul guided by reason, and asceticism. Atticus was a not a Sophist. Without the guidance of moral reason then a state of chaos would ensue entailing an everyman for himself type of attitude which is what the mob in the story renders. Thus, happiness in the novel can only be achieved when that hedonistic attitude is vanquished which occurs when Bob Ewell â€Å"falls on his own knife†. This scene helps in making Atticus less of a tragic hero and more of an altruistic hero. Morality must be shown as adhering to individual interests. Plato did not agree with the type of hedonism exhibited by the Sophists, who thought human nature was an extension of the animal world. Instead, Plato states that the nature of man is reason; and in this reason exists an organized society constructed by reason. This expresses Atticus’ own viewpoint in the story. In understanding this viewpoint and accepting that Atticus strived for reason, that essence of a lawyer to demand justice when there is no shadow of a doubt for a man’s innocence, the reader can better understand the impetus behind Atticus’ moral actions. Happiness for the rational man in modern literature then comes into fruition by governing their more base, animal, desires, which are irrational; it is with Atticus that such states of humanity are more succinctly defined. This morality is extended into the realm of society because of human interaction. Therefore, if a man is to be the pinnacle of reason, and morality, and happiness, then the society that he lives and associates must then also exhibit such a moral temperance. This is the faith by which Atticus bases his lawyer’s argument. If then a society is blinded by hedonism, or pure desire of self, a man in that society has no hope for personal happiness because of lack of morality, reason, and thus fully succumbing to akrasia as can be seen in Atticus and especially Tom’s lives. The concept of good and evil twined together is the elixir of the modern novel; writers breed fears from dreams, the hidden wants of subconscious become known through their character’s actions. Writing and reading novels is a revelation into that unsaid facet of the mind; the mute archetype finally is given voice, and in a way bears witness by both being involved in the action and telling of the story. It is no wonder that lawyers today base their own judgment on that of Atticus’ (a fictional character) moral judgment and decision making. In the arena of heroism, when a character becomes the basis of real life people’s morality, then the status of a hero is cemented. Modern literature is the truth of life and self reflected through plays and characters. Realism is the liquor by which Harper Lee is exemplified. In realism, the writer is stating that circumstances are the focal point of human contingencies. This is especially true for Lee’s Atticus Finch. In this downtrodden representation of everyman the audience is presented with life at its entire naked state, a hero whose battle is lost. That is the promise of modern literature; veracity, despite the overwhelming depression of life and its deception toward everyman. Writers are honest in their writing, and in modern literature realism and not heroic standards of Greek drama but the Achilles heel is what is depicted. Whether or not the novel ends on a happy or sad note, the point is choice – despite Atticus being a tragic hero his strength remains in sticking to that choice. Modern literature gives the audience no illusions about harsh reality, but it also gives the difference between fate and circumstance and makes a hero.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Against Human Cloning- Argumentative Essay

Cloning in general has been a rising debate across the globe since before Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1996. The success of being able to clone an animal brought scientists to wonder about a more challenging task, cloning humans. This consideration is morally wrong and should not be stood for. Some people seem not to realize the negative aspects that cloning would bring into a world which is already suffering. Religious standpoints, the growth of the population, and each human’s individuality are just a few of the supporting reasons that stand against cloning and support why it should not be legalized. Simply because there are a few factors that make some in favor of cloning does not rectify the atrocity that it would bring. One supporter that stands for cloning, Simon Smith, states that it would be useful to produce clones for fertility reasons such as infertile couples and couples carrying a genetic disease. This seems reasonable; however, there are other options available that are better suitable. Adoption, artificial insemination, and other successful surgeries are more appropriate, currently available alternatives. It seems questionable as to whether a person wanting to produce a clone offspring of themselves would be corrupt or unprincipled in wanting to do so. Wanting to make a replica of yourself would be a shameless act. There are supporters in favor of cloning such as Professor Robert Winston to make note that cloning would be an option available to those people who have lost a loved one. Have we forgotten our virtues and that with the birth of life, one day will come death? The structure of living and dying applies to every species. It’s not something most humans look forward to for themselves or for anyone they love but inevitably one day it will approach us all. This is the reason living things are given the ability to reproduce, to give life to the future. It’s a choice given, but not one we all have to choose. The personalities of humans and other creatures is what makes you care for them and produce a bond, not their physical appearance. Having a replica only identical in image and not in personality would not bring back a lost loved one; on the contrary, it could make it even harder for some people to cope and deal with. Individuality is another factor to consider when thinking of the outcome cloning would bring. This is what makes our world so unique, if clones become produced, we will lose that uniqueness. Having human clones in existence would be an insult to human kind and the distinctiveness of every human being. It would change what it means to be human. If life can be formed in various ways other than the ways intended, how can it have that special value that being human has? Clones could likely end up as another minority fighting for equal rights. Could you imagine what it might feel like to know that you were a clone of someone else’s being? Would you feel inferior to human life and all that it brings? Would you even have a soul? These are all questions that society puts aside that should attempt to be answered. The growing population in the United States and in other countries around the world is also a very important element to consider. Although it would be great to have the fountain of youth, it does not seem very effective. People have to die; otherwise the population would be a greater concern than it currently is. If people were living an extra fifty years or more, the world would become chaotic. Citizens of the U.S. already have to fight for there entitlements they should receive as elders. Prolonging the life of humans would eventually become the cause of their extinction. We consume far too many resources that we need to survive and are doing far too little to replenish them. Trees will become a thing of the past in the not so distant future. Without this mankind cannot survive due to the lack of oxygen. This along with the extinction of other natural resources will only cause the human race to diminish. Scientists after a period of time could even possibly evolve clones to be the ideal human race. The DNA to produce clones could be manipulated after advance research to make them have specific characteristics and possibly mind-set as well. They could possibly be made to have a particular function in life such as becoming an Olympic swimmer or even a killing machine in the army, programmed to go off to war. What Hitler was trying to accomplish during the Holocaust could become reality if clones were to be created. It has been proposed that in the not too distant future, cloning technologies  could advance to the level where they could even recreate a deceased individual in the adult form. They could likely even recreate there past memories and experiences. There doesn’t seem to be any ethical concerns for this, as twisted as the thought of it turns out to be. Everything happens for a purpose and for that reason alone cloning is wrong and should not be legalized. The saying goes, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. This saying should apply to cloning just as well. The vast majority of humans are perfectly capable of reproducing offspring; therefore there is no reason to clone. Along with the scientific accomplishments it would bring to man kind many down falls would follow only shortly behind. It may seem like many advantages could take place in the scientific community if cloning were to be legalized, but only resulting in having only a few benefits and many downfalls. The possible outcomes that would exist in its legalization does not make it being performed morally right. Works Cited Smith, Simon. â€Å"† 2002. Human Cloning Foundation. 22 March2007. Winston, Robert. â€Å"The Promise of Cloning for Human Medicine.† British Medical Journal (1997):913-14. 21 March.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Issue of Lying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Issue of Lying - Essay Example In other words, they are the biggest liars in the world. However, those who are constantly trying to point out the exact nature of lying and the ethical assumptions thereof are likely to be close to getting the truth right. Jack Willer just reminds readers that this talk is everlasting and dealing with white lies leads to worse lies that spring up eventually. This cycle is also never-ending. People generate the flow of lies thinking they can shift everyone’s expectations for better. In this vein, Willer asks a partially rhetoric question, namely: â€Å"Am I able to ever speak the truth† (Willer 81)? Given that, it becomes vital for everyone making it not a conundrum anymore and willing to get rid of some ethical concerns haunting people down every single day. To say more, the fight between a man and his/her consciousness is constantly growing. One can assume it as a way toward humane and morale. However, it is better to say that the poem by Willer generates the deepest feeling in an honorable man able to state all pros and cons in his character. A simple re-evaluation of such an elementary truth of lying gives one a powerful drive to the right decision-making afterwards. Probably, some of the readers were able to pinpoint their personalities throughout the poem or make it pretty close to their understanding of where the error happened once. Nevertheless, the life goes on, and the open-minded people are the ones to get Willer’s message quite seriously. The article Lying by Tim C. Mazur constitutes the same issue raised by Jack Willer, but from the philosophical point of view. His comment on the issue starts from the obvious. Taking a host of examples on how people lie to benefit or do harm to someone, he... This paper describes the truth of lying can be reached through the personal sincere realization of and confession in what one is about to achieve by means of lying. To make it plain, personal goals lead people to the possibility of lying under some definite circumstances and in order to keep oneself in safety from doing harm to anybody or to oneself, to be precise. On the basis of reason, lying is wrong as it â€Å"opposes the virtue of honesty†. This report shows a strong points of Mazur claims to reconsider the universal opinion on the â€Å"bad side† of lies and its healing or rationally correct effect as well. Frankly speaking, just an assumption on the many-faceted nature of lies was not enough for the author who tries to re-establish a sound-minded vision of this concept through the philosophical observation, so to speak. To conclude, the paper has illustrated that the problem of lying is a universal one. Jack Willer and Tim C. Mazur have identified sticking points in why people are tempted to lie every now and then. This is why lying is definitely ethically wrong, but it can be said right depending on a concrete situation and the philosophical treatment people choose to explain it. All in all, a witty person should evaluate the situation in detail so as to see whether or not the lies would benefit to the overall happiness of the society on the whole. The change starts from an ordinary man mirrored on the identities of others.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategic Leadership for Non-Profit Organizations Research Paper

Strategic Leadership for Non-Profit Organizations - Research Paper Example The present research has identified that there is evidence pointing to the fact that strategic leadership is different for non-profit organizations, with Bobbi also pointing out that the nature of problems faced by non-profits are antithetical to those that for-profit organizations face. For example, for-profit organizations seek out â€Å"easy† business that almost runs itself and has minimal problems, while non-profit organizations seek out the toughest problems that need solving. This paper will set out to investigate the potential benefits and needs for strategic leadership in the non-profit organization, conducting a review of literature into the topic and applying it to the non-profit organization. A number of theoretical articles and studies have been published concerning the influence and role of non-profit organization managers generally, of which a number focus on the feasibility of applying strategic leadership theories in for-profit organizations to non-profit orga nizations. Stubbs concludes that the role of the private manager significantly differs from that of the business manager, contending that these differences included different decisional, interpersonal, and informational roles. More recently, Dym & Hutson offered their take on the existing differences between the roles played by corporate and non-corporate managers and, although they fail to offer adequate information concerning their methodology for determination of the study’s rigor, they identify five areas that the non-profit strategic leader must adopt practices used by strategic leaders in for-profit organizations.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Toulmin analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Toulmin analysis - Assignment Example This is because the former keep the peroxide or whitening agent against the teeth for the longest duration of time (TTWK, 2009). Backing in the form of support for the warrant, are that: whiter teeth enhance the personality, help to establish a better image of oneself, improves one’s social life, and boosts confidence, all of which lead to a better quality of life. Qualifiers: Stains on the teeth occur as a result of drinking red wine, coffee and cola. However, they may be caused by other reasons as well such as the use of tobacco, improper brushing of teeth, or drinking tea. Therefore, the qualified claim is that the most significant causes, though perhaps not the only causes of staining of the teeth are: drinking red wine, coffee and cola. Interpreting the results using the Toulmin Analysis above, indicates that the overall effectiveness of the argument appears to be strong, with a structured support. The argument presented by the manufacturers of Smile Brite teeth whitener appears compelling regarding its high levels of convenience, effectiveness, and ultimate usefulness in improving overall quality of life. According to ADA (2009), recent research conducted by Cochrane collaboration reveals that home-use teeth whiteners have short-term effectiveness in whitening teeth, but further research is required on the long-term outcomes and side effects of their use. The Toulmin Analysis is a useful tool for researchers and writers, since the various parts of an argument: the claim, data/ support and warrants, and the qualifiers, rebuttals and backing for the warrants can be analysed and compared separately. The validity of each argument of other authors, as well as a thorough analysis of the writer’s own arguments results in a critical research study of a topic (Hitchcock & Verheij,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Qualcomm Stadium Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Qualcomm Stadium Sponsorship - Essay Example On entry to the stadium parking lots, Qualcomm signs can be seen at top of the stadium on the east and west sides of the stadium. Also on top of the stadium next to Qualcomm, but on a smaller scale, is a sponsorship sign for Union Bank, which is one of the official sponsors of the stadium and of the Chargers team. When entering the main gates of the stadium, the entrance ways have Qualcomm signs and showcase another stadium sponsor, Bud Light. These signs are on top of the pathway. The ticket office also has Qualcomm signs. On first entrance into the stadium, wall sponsorship of Sycuan, which is a San Diego Casino, greets fans. At the concession area, Bud Light signs grace the places to buy drinks; there are no other sponsors for food concessions. Inside the playing arena of the stadium, many different sponsorship signs can be found. The Jumbo-tron has Qualcomm Stadium on the top of it. Further down the Jumbo-tron there is a big Bud Light sign that is lighted. On the sides of the Jum bo-tron, Pepsi has small signs. On one side there is an advertisement for Toyota, while Union Bank is on the other side. On the opposite side of the stadium there is a smaller Jumbo-tron with a Qualcomm sign on top and a Bud Light sign underneath.   There is a trolley system that brings fans back and forth from the city to the stadium that has no sponsorship signage. On the outside and inside walls of the stadium there are statues and plaques of the San Diego Padres baseball team all over the stadium. This takes up most of the inside and outside space. These are prime areas for sponsorship; however, they are being used to remember the MLB baseball team that is no longer using the stadium. The San Diego Padres moved to their own brand new stadium a few years back. The Padre statues and plates could be taken down and used more constructively for sponsorship purposes. At the top of the

International Trade Operations - Latvia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Trade Operations - Latvia - Essay Example plained that a country will export the goods and services that it is able to produce at a lower opportunity cost and import those goods and services that it would otherwise produce a higher opportunity cost (Pugel, 2003, p. 39). Eli Heckscher, a Swedish economist, developed the core idea in 1919 about the international trade pattern. According to him, a country would export the products that use its abundant factors intensively and import the products that use its scarce factors intensively (Pugel, 2003, p. 39). To be more succinct, as Fedotovs (2010, p. 52) noted, a country will export goods whose production is intensive in factors that the country is abundantly endowed. Fedotovs (2010) explained international trade patterns of Latvia, based on the evidences of Latvia’s access to European Union and related how both the theories, comparative advantage and Heckscher-Ohlin theorem explain the case of Latvia. His work has proved the validity of both the theories and concluded that both the theories can be said to be applicable to the case of Latvia. A comparison between the major sectors of minibuses, cement, timber and Livestock etc of both Latvia and European Community, it can be observed that Latvia could claim to have comparative advantage in some areas despite the fact it lagged behind the EC. The productivity of Latvia in some sectors like milk, livestock, grain and meat has proved 17 to 25 times below the level of EC, and same time the productivity in some other sectors were found to be only 5 to 6 times less, and therefore, it can be explained with the theory of comparative advantage. Fedotovs (2010) has given Timber as an example for Latvia’s export to European Market, because Latvia gained comparative advantage in producing timbers as the productivity ratio to other countries was higher than in other industries. Between the periods of 1920s and 1930s, timber was the major export of Latvia and, during this period, the market share of timber has been

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reading response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Reading response - Assignment Example The book, in many ways, is a summary of the author’s journey of three decades as an author, an educator and social activist. The dominant themes of the essays featuring in this collection are the red power, the white church, the contradictory worldviews, liberating theology, practices of the state and ancient conventions relevant in the modern world. The author was of the view that the Native American style of life was reliant mainly on visions, whereas the life of the whites was centred chiefly on ideas. The same point of view is upheld in the essays in ‘For This Land’. Deloria, in this book, covers a wide variety of topics relating to religion and spirituality, which range from the protest movement of the Indians to the violation of agreements with the tribal communities in the US. He also talks about the immense struggle put forward by the Indians for the sake of preserving their holy sites and gaining access to the same on their traditional occasions. The author does not deter from mentioning even some seriously controversial issues concerning the federal agencies, museums and curio shops in the US. He candidly reveals issues such as the withholding of the human remnants and funeral offerings of American Indians. The focus of the essays in this book is on the religious facets and associations we find in the lives of human beings. Apparently his writing seems to be distant from ideological contexts and verging entirely on the theoretical framework of physical space. But as the thoughts progress, we realise that the author has been successful in involving our intellectual faculties by insinuating us to rethink our beliefs. He questions our established religious institutions and experiences, reveals all kinds of controversies that have engulfed those and compels us to ponder over our deep-rooted beliefs. ‘For This Land’ is a masterpiece from one of the foremost critics of American history. It presents a unique

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mobile Health Application Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mobile Health Application - Research Paper Example It is a small book for not only drug reference but also has several rules for disease pathologies. Medical students and professionals like Medscape because it has instructions on performing medical procedures, videos on the actual action and detailed pictures (Sullivan, 2013). Many because of free content also love it; over 7,000 drug orientations, 3,500 disease medical references and medical images about 2,500 are all free on the app. Strong drug interaction tool checker CME activities are also some features that make Medscape more favorable. The app regardless of features achieves the application in mobile phones and tablets. It can be accessed offline without the internet connection; you only download the medical reference database (Schulk, 2013). The idea is almost real to everyone since almost each person owns a smartphone (Dalrymple,2010). Despite all the benefits acquired from the app, it also has disadvantages especially on security and privacy threats. Some of the threats include: Stolen mobile device- in case the mobile device which was actively used to access, transmit and eventually store patient’s information on his/her health gets lost or is stolen, the patients data might be at great risk of getting into wrong hands. The culprits might alter the medical information, and this may pose a great risk to person’s health. In addition, medical identity theft may occur whereby another person uses a person’s name and medical number (Dixon, 2006). To avoid all these, all mobile devices used by medics must be designed to ask for passwords, special codes or fingerprints in order to gain access. Area for entering passwords must be masked so that a person cannot see it avoid cracking of the password. Remote wiping or disabling can be activated on the device, which can allow erasure of all information on the device in case it is lost or stolen and if later recovered data can be recovered by enabling the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Securities and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Securities and Finance - Essay Example mediary used insider information to trade securities of the companies outlined, as they were price affected and thus make high profits than the normal traders (Suzi , 2014). Insider dealing is under the FSA and Securities regulation in the UK. It has been a criminal offense since the year 1985 and currently it is incorporated under the criminal justice Act 1993 Part V. Information that is not available to all parties in the market is deemed asymmetric as traders could use it for their personal gains and make high profits. Efforts have been done overtime to tighten up laws on insider dealing but still there are some who go unprosecuted. Insider dealing is said to be a criminal offense when; the information on hand is price sensitive to the shares trading in the market and when an individual encourages someone else to pass the inside information or deal with the shares that are price sensitive and finally when the dealing takes place through a professional trader or broker and on a regulated market (, 2014). For most of the times, people have always thought that insider trading is always illegal, but there are some circumstances where it is legal where the officers, employees, directors, buy and sell stock in their own companies and they report to the reporting authorities of their actions. However, it becomes illegal where the buying and selling of securities involves a breach of fiduciary duty or trust and confidence while in possession of material information that is not available to the whole market. Insider trading is said to undermine investors’ confidence in the market as it does not in any way promote integrity and fairness with some gaining more than others gain. Thus, the relevant authorities should be more stringent in regulating the trading of securities in the market by prosecuting those involved in insider dealings (Mirranda, 2013). The security markets within the UK have faced a lot of criticism from members of the public as issues of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Learning Styles Essay Example for Free

Learning Styles Essay A learning style is basically the preference or predisposition of an individual to perceive and process information in a particular way or combination of ways. (Lynne Celli Sarasin, 2006) There are eight intelligences and an individual has one or more strengths in one of those intelligences. As we have learned from the readings, there are multiple ways to understand how an individual learns. There are three primary senses that are involved in learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Howard Gardner, for example, suggested that some students learn through their bodies (kinesthetic), others through music and rhythms (auditory), and many others through hand-outs and presentations (visual). Students have been learning in many different ways since ancient times. Teachers of Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, and Christianity all evaluated their students’ personalities, with an eye as to how to best teach them. (John D. Mayer, Ph. D. ) I have examined multiple websites on how Hinduism considers opinions of personality. For example, Hindu thought suggests that the wise person judges others with detachment and peace; as apposed to over-involvement, annoyance, or condescension. (John D. Mayer Ph. D. ) In Hinduism, the role of the yogi, or teacher, are to assist those, who sought enlightenment to learn about their essential atman (real inner self). (John D Mayer, Ph. D. ) Accomplished Hindu teachers distinguish among different types of students so as to provide each student with practices that will best guide him or her on the path to enlightenment. (John D. Mayer, Ph. D. ) As I further read into the article posted by John D. Mayer, he wrote about how there are three different types of students. Their way of learning is completely different from the way we learn here and what we learn about. I could use my primary sensory preference to increase my awareness and practice in Hinduism by watching videos and hearing lectures about their way of learning. (Due to the fact that I am a auditory and kinesthetic learner) Once I watch videos about their way of learning I would become more informed about their way of everyday life and their learning styles.

Assess the view that women Essay Example for Free

Assess the view that women Essay In order to fully assess the view that women are stereotyped and symbolically annihilated in the media, the two terms; Stereotype and symbolic annihilation must be defined. A stereotype is a negative name given to a group of individuals and which is always an ideological name so that it supports an already existing idea. For example, as the sociologist Meehan found, women are often represented as matriarchs or witches in TV dramas and soaps. Stereotyping is also seen as an ordering process that brings order to potential chaos by the means of relating groups of people so we can understand them. Symbolic annihilation is the way in which a certain group of people are featured less or are totally erased from the media. Within the media, women have been symbolically annihilated if they are not slim, beautiful or fashionable for instance. Instead, all women shown in the media are slim, attractive and seemingly very image conscious. The 3 main types of media in which women have been stereotyped and symbolically annihilated are; TV, magazines and Video games. Research carried out by the sociologist D. M Meehan into the way women are portrayed in television, revealed that women are categorised into 10 different character types. These character types are; The imp, The goodwife, The harpy, The bitch, The victim, the decoy, The siren, The courtesan, The witch and The matriarch. Obviously the imp is a rebellious tomboy character, the Goodwife is a domestic, attractive, home centred character, the bitch is a sneak and a cheat and the courtesan is close to being a prostitute. Even though these findings were released in 1983, they are still relevant today because there are some characters in modern soap operas who still fit into the 10 character types. For example, Pauline from Eastenders is an example of a good housewife, as is Monica in friends. Also, Janine from Eastenders is an example of the courtesan and Steph from neighbours is an example of the imp. Others findings of Meehans study are that women are portrayed as either good or evil, and never a combination, that good women are portrayed as submissive, sensitive and domesticated and that bad women are often portrayed as being rebellious, independent and selfish. Another main finding of Meehans study was that female occupations were limited to a few, primarily housewife, receptionist and whore and that women are portrayed as lacking any sexual appetite. However, studies such as Meehans can be criticized for being dated, because most of the TV programs researched were from the 1960s and 1970s, but because these TV shows are still being shown on satellite channels it means that the study is still relevant. Another type of media in which women are stereotyped and symbolically annihilated is magazines. Almost all women who are shown in magazines are; slim, attractive, fashionable, white and have perfect skin etc. However, when you look more closely at these magazines, you also find that almost all women are portrayed as being in fairly poor jobs and are portrayed as sex objects. The sociologist Ferguson said that womens magazines deal with material that is considered too trivial for general media and that these magazines tell women what to do and how to think about themselves, their men and their colleagues. In adverts within magazines, twice as many women appeared with children than men and women are rarely shown outdoors, instead in the house being depicted as a housewife. Since the 1980s, there has been increased awareness of eating disorders among young people, especially girls, and statistics indicate that the frequency of eating disorders is increasing. The main reason behind this are magazines aimed at teenage girls, which are too preoccupied with romance and reinforcing a dominant ideology of femininity. These magazines show pictures of slim, attractive, beautiful young women, and this causes the readers to strive to achieve unrealistic body sizes girls as young as 11 and 12 are worried about their weight and body size. The sociologist Bruch said that illness is related to the enormous emphasis fashion places on being slim. Movies and magazines carry this message, but the most persistent message is portrayed through TV. The message says that one cannot be loved or respected if you are not slender. Also, the sociologist Coward said that advertising encourages women to view their body as a project, similar to DIY, which can be worked upon and improved. Therefore, some women are symbolically annihilated from this type of media, because only women who are slim, attractive and fashionable appear in them, but you hardly ever see any other type of woman. However, a criticism by the sociologist Hermes points out that people derive pleasure from these magazines and from interviews she found that people found them relaxing and educative. One other type of media that stereotypes and symbolically annihilates women is video games. The sociologist Provenzo pointed out that video games show a very stereotypical view of both males and females. The games are very macho and women are often depicted in poses of ritual subordination. In most video games, women are acted upon rather than being initiators of action and in the game Double Dragon for example, Billy has to rescue Marian, his kidnapped girlfriend. The cover for this game depicts Billy supporting Marian, her dress in shreds and her tank top ripped. Another aspect of video games is that women are not even named very often, instead being referred to as someones girlfriend or the princess. Video games are often very Macho in orientation, depicting boxing, car racing and so on, and the roles of both males and females in such scenarios are very limited. Finally, both male and female characters within such video games are always portrayed and depicted as young and being physically ideal. Therefore there is an aspect of symbolic annihilation in video games too, because only a certain type of character is portrayed as you rarely see a fat, old man for instance. After looking at these 3 media types, I can say the women are indeed stereotyped and symbolically annihilated within them. All of the 3 medias show in ideal image of women; slim, attractive and fashionable, but this raises a question does the media create the people in society or do the people in society create what goes into the media? I think that it is the people who create what goes into the media, because things that get printed or shown are things that people in society want to see. In conclusion, you can also look at the feminist view of the media to try to see if women are stereotyped and symbolically annihilated. Liberal feminists believe that journalists have learnt to portray women in a particular way, usually classless and family based. Radical feminists see men as the enemy. Men hold dominant positions in the media and they consciously manipulate the content for their own benefit, and to the detriment of women Finally, socialist feminists blame the capitalist structure for the disadvantaged position of women in society and that the role of the media is to sustain the capitalist system and the role of women within it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fraud Investigation Role Analysis

Fraud Investigation Role Analysis Discuss how your learning from the course can be applied to your current role within your organisation and how it may benefit both you and the effective investigation of fraud. The essay would critically review the learning undertaken in the course and how it is applicable to my existing role as an officer within the counter fraud and money laundering team in a law enforcing agency in Middle East. The emphasis is on the way that learning would be beneficial for myself and the organisation through increased effectiveness in conducting the fraud, with a specific reference to the principles of ethical investigation, attaining and investigative mindset, achieving a knowledge base with respect to the relevant legislation and procedure, considerations for the golden hour and the usefulness of decision-making process as well as recording of decisions. According to the Code of Practice to the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 (CPIA), a criminal investigation is an investigation undertaken by police officers with an attempt to establish if a person should be charged with an offence, or if the individual charged is guilty of it. Ethics and ethical investigation is increasingly important when investigating money laundering. Devery (2010) argues that criminal investigations attract considerable attention and interest from the public, which is attributed to the coverage given by the media to criminal behaviour and the crime committed but also as a result of the effect that crime has on those affected, as well as the wider communities and individuals impacted. The media and societal interest has increased over time, as technological advancements and proliferation of social media has led to heightened interest from the general public (Goldsmith, 2015). This means that money laundering investigators have responsibility to ensure that they undertake the investigations in a professional and ethical manner, which would assist in developing and maintaining the public confidence. Therefore, there is a need to conduct an investigation with common sense whilst upholding integrity at all times and not engage in any discriminatory or disproportionate behaviour that could result in the risk of losing cooperation and support of the stakeholders involved. This is consistent with the conclusion of Verhage (2011) that an ethical and professional approach to investigation not only positively impacts the reputation of the organisation but the officer too, leading to a positive impact on the victim and the wider community. When investigating the money laundering activity, it is important that I maintain an investigative mindset. The mindset refers to the attitude or state of mind, which is adopted by the investigators and subsequently could be developed over time through the experience and expertise developed in a profession. It takes into consideration a range of principles that should be applied during investigation, which include gaining an understanding of the sources underlying the material uncovered, adequate planning and preparation, appropriate examination of the resources, collection and collation of records and evaluation of the information and investigation. In the context of money laundering investigations, whilst reviewing the various transactions and associated parties as well developing an assessment of the different transactions to discover potential money laundering, the investigative mindset would involve maintaining professional skepticism and applying judgment to the different transactions and their underlying rationale. The professional services firm Ernst Young states that in the anti-money laundering compliance investigation, the heightened level of judgment needed through the process becomes more pertinent, as it is only in a few situations that the investigation follows a straightforward procedure (Ernst Young, 2016). Therefore, an investigative mindset is critical because it allows money laundering investigator to ascertain the nature of transactions reviewed, utilizing the judgment to assess the direction that the research should undertake and the relevant parties/ stakeholders that need additional review. Maintenance of investigative mindset also enables the researcher to make the most of the scarce available organisational resources and consequently maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of the money laundering investigation procedure. An investigator should possess a detailed knowledge base in relation to the legislation and procedures that are relevant in their profession. This means that I need to have a detailed knowledge of anti-money laundering (AML) regulations that are applicable not only at the regional level in Gulf but also at the international level, given the presence of global financial institutions and corporations in the region. It would involve a comprehensive understanding of AML and combating terrorist financing (CTF) legal arrangements, as well as anti-money laundering framework applicable in the region. Besides a detailed understanding of the AML law in the region, as well as primary and secondary ML offences, I would also need a detailed understanding of the global regulations within ML. This is because the ML laws in Gulf in general are based on the OECD regulations, which would increase my winder understanding of the regulatory environment within money laundering and the potential changes to ML framework in the future. The importance of knowledge base in ML when operating in Gulf is evident from a recent survey conducted by professional services firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), which concluded that over 20% of financial service firms have not engaged in AML and CTF risk assessment in the region (PwC, 2016). This increases the importance of possessing a detailed understanding of the relevant regulations and laws when working within the ML team in a law enforcing agency. Moreover, possessing the knowledge and understanding becomes even more critical in the contemporary highly dynamic environment, whereby increasingly sophisticated techniques adopted by those engaging in criminal (money laundering) activities requires greater judgment and professional skepticism on the part of ML investigators such as myself, which would come through possessing and continuously improving the relevant knowledge base with respect to the legislation and procedure. According to the College of Policing (2016), golden hour refers to the term for the period that is in the immediate aftermath of committing an offence. This is the time when the evidence and material is increasingly available to the investigatory team. This requires a proactive approach to maximising the ability to make the most of golden hour during the investigation, as a proactive approach and positive action during the golden hour minimises the chances that information or material would be lost or not utilised during the investigation. Furthermore, it also maximises the prospects that the material would be admissible in court and consequently facilitate in providing justice. The key objectives of golden hour that I would serve in my ML role includes securing evidence, identifying those affected by the potential money laundering activity, identifying the suspects involved in such activity and preserving the evidence/scene. PwC (2016) argue that golden hour and undertaking a suitable action requires immediate thinking whereby an investigator needs to take control of the situation. Attending the course has provided me an ability to visualize the scenario and potential situation that I could be faced with in the future and how I could respond more effectively in dealing with such a situation. For instance, I would take greater control of the situation through securing the relevant evidence, identification and allocation of the resources at my disposal. This exercise has also helped me to consider the different physical, technological, financial and human resources that I have at my disposal in the organisation, which would be useful when making the most of the golden hour considerations. As part of the golden hour considerations and in the context of ML investigations in general, the decision making process and the need to record the various decisions is critical. The essence of decision-making is with respect to deciding what needs to be done, deciding the way it should be done and finally rationalizing and recording the decisions. This is consistent with the National Decision Model (NDM) employed by College of Policing, which takes into consideration collection of information and relevant intelligence, assessment of potential threats and subsequent development of strategy to deal with the threats, consideration of power and policy options available, identifying and options and contingencies available and finally taking action as well as reviewing the past events. It is pertinent that Code of Ethics is complied with throughout the decision-making, which reinforces the importance of ethical investigation as discussed earlier in the essay. By undertaking appropriate decision and recording them appropriately, I would be maximising the prospects of successfully investigating the potential ML activity. This would also assist me considering the different available resources and ultimately utilise them including the different option choices to undertake the best course of action to resolve the ML situation. Recording the decision would keep a clear track of the decision-making, which would be useful if presenting to the senior management or other stakeholders (internal or external). In conclusion, the essay considered the range of topics covered during the course and their practical application in my workplace, as an officer within the counter fraud and money laundering team in a law enforcing agency in the Middle East. The course has greatly enhanced my knowledge when it comes to undertaking ethical investigation, keeping and maintaining an investigative mindset and the importance of gaining greater knowledge with respect to the legislations and procedures. Furthermore, heightened understanding of the golden hour considerations and decision-making process has meant that I am more confident and aware of the different relevant activities that I would need to undertake when investigating the money laundering activities in my organisation. References College of Policing (2016), Investigation process, available at:Â (accessed: 21/2/2017) Devery, C. (2010). Criminal profiling and criminal investigation. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 26(4), 393-409. Ernst Young (2016), Anti-money laundering compliance, available at:Â$FILE/ey-anti-money-laundering-compliance.pdf (accessed: 21/2/2017) Goldsmith, A. (2015). Disgracebook policing: social media and the rise of police indiscretion. Policing and society, 25(3), 249-267. PwC (2016), Anti-money laundering, available at:Â (accessed: 21/2/2017) Verhage, A. (2011). The anti money laundering complex and the compliance industry. Taylor Francis.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pre-1600 Styles in European Art Music :: essays research papers

Pre-1600 Styles in European Art Music The "old" European attitude, and the attitude that attracts many modern performers to early music, is exactly the opposite of the modern attitude: 1. Music is a strictly local expression, rich in variety since each culture expresses affective differences through art, 2. Music is a poetic process--complex, vague, and irrational--based upon borrowed traditional musical materials (melodies, rhythms, forms, etc.), 3. Music is for a religious, elitist-class performer who can understand and appreciate its mysterious nature and power, 4. Music is played softly in intimate gatherings, 5. Music making is the activity of Everyman, exacting the talents of variously trained amateurs who, with industry and practice, decorate their recreation and leisure in moments of social intercourse. In terms of the technical differences between the art music of early times and that of the modern period (i.e., after 1600) we can identify five specific features that make post-1600 styles in music sound more or less "familiar." 1. Wide-ranging, dynamically expressive tonal melodies are played in equal temperament and generated from logical tonal harmonic progressions. 2. A simple, isometric, and restricted rhythmic range is used. 3. The texture is homophonic, that is, a principal melody line with accompaniment. 4. Clear periodic formal structure is favored. 5. The instrumentarium is restricted and standardized. On the other hand, the pre-1600 styles in European art music are based upon the following features: 1. Narrow-ranging, dynamically restrained modal melodies are played in a variety of tuning temperaments that generate an "illogical" modal harmonic succession. 2. An unrestricted range of multimeters, polymeters, and complex rhythms are used. 3. A texture of two or more independent and equally important melodies accompany one another (i.e., polyphony). 4. The formal construction is often vague and unclear. 5. The instrumentarium is unrestricted and nonstandardized. Early music is chamber music par excellence. Superstar conductors, dramatic symphonic music, and large-scale virtuosic genres such as the concerto, opera, oratorio, and ballet belong to a later period and a different aesthetic. Early music involves a decidedly intimate approach to music making: the performers are equal partners who understand the science of composition and do much more than merely interpret the music of others--they recompose it during rehearsals and performances. In this regard, early music may be considered performer oriented (similar to jazz or Indian classical music). The performer thinks of himself or herself as a "student" (a Liebhaber, i.e., "lover") of music, and must be able to play several different instruments as well as sing.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Biotechnology Essay -- essays research papers

Biotechnology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the past decade, Biotechnology has advanced much to the advantage of many people. We have learned that with certain chemicals, we are able to cut-and-paste the DNA of certain organisms, and alter them to comply to our sociable needs. But this can also affect modern medicine, political factors, economic, and societal balances in our nation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For medicine, Biotechnology has been a blessing, healing people who suffer from a sex-linked trait known as Hemophilia. Hemophilia is a condition where the person may die of blood loss when cut or wounded. This is caused by a lack of a certain chemical known as Factor 9, which allows the patient to heal from wounds. Scientists may now insert a gene into the patients own DNA causing the patient to heal skin, which has been impossible until now, with Genetic-Engineering. I doubt that there have been any real disadvantages with this technology, since it works to heal the patient, but we really can't predict what kind of medical misfits there will be in the future, using this life-saving technology to their own personal, perhaps evil, advantages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dealing with politics, Bioengineering has opened a whole new door pertaining to the military, whose use of it may create an ultimate destruction. The alterance of nature is un-natural, and creates an unbalancement in life. When we use this technology towards the wrong side, we may all be burn...

ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Essay -- Explorat

ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder When I first heard about ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder), I thought, â€Å"C’mon. This psycho-babble has gone too far.† I saw psychologists, researchers, lawyers, teachers, parents, all talking seriously about this claimed disorder. But what I didn’t think about was where this information was coming from. Many talk shows have featured ADHD, where self-righteous citizens cheer, boo, and hiss like a jury at some medieval witch trial. A writer for the reputable publication New York magazine wrote: â€Å"[ADHD] is certainly a fitting disorder for the Nintendo and MTV generations—children who seem more at home playing computer games than having a quiet dinner conversation with their parents,† which sounds like it was written by a disgruntled â€Å"parent† rather than an unbiased reporter (Blau 45). And an article in Time ran quotes from erudite psychologists like Robert Reid, who said that ADHD is just an ego-preserving excuse, merely â€Å"a label of forgiveness† (Wallis 42). Newspapers ran these argumentative headlines: â€Å"Some Skeptical of Surge in Attention-Deficit Diagnoses† and â€Å"Overreacting to Attention Deficit Disorder† (Perkins A1, Vatz 82). And before I began learning about ADHD, I too was a media-driven skeptic. But, as with most things, knowledge begets understanding. Recent media coverage might lead one to believe that ADHD is something new, a nineties thing, some vogue malady that somehow explains our disaffected modern youth. Yet the hyperactive child has always been around. He was class clown, the kid in the back row who never shut up. He was the kid whom the teacher constantly sent out of the room or to the office. In the past, these were the children... ..., Inattentive, Impulsive, Obstinate. . . . New York: Villard, 1990. â€Å"Josh.† Personal Interview. 13 March 1995. Levine, Melvin D. â€Å"Attention Deficits: The Diverse Effects of Weak Control Systems in Childhood.† Pediatric Annals 16.2: 117-30. Perkins, Kathryn. â€Å"Some Skeptical of Surge in Attention-Disorder Diagnosis.† Sacramento Bee 5 Dec. 1994: A1. Safer, Daniel J., and John M. Krager. â€Å"Effect of a Media Blitz and a Threatened Lawsuit on Stimulant Treatment (lawsuits and Ritalin prescription).† Journal of the American Medical Association 268 (1992): 1004. â€Å"Shaun.† Personal Interview. 9 March 1995. Vatz, Richard E., and Lee S. Weinberg. â€Å"Overreacting to Attention Deficit Disorder.† USA Today Jan. 1995: 84. Wallis, Claudia. â€Å"Life in Overdrive.† Time 18 July 1994: 42. Weiss, Lynn. Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults. Dallas: Taylor, 1992. ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Essay -- Explorat ADHD - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder When I first heard about ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder), I thought, â€Å"C’mon. This psycho-babble has gone too far.† I saw psychologists, researchers, lawyers, teachers, parents, all talking seriously about this claimed disorder. But what I didn’t think about was where this information was coming from. Many talk shows have featured ADHD, where self-righteous citizens cheer, boo, and hiss like a jury at some medieval witch trial. A writer for the reputable publication New York magazine wrote: â€Å"[ADHD] is certainly a fitting disorder for the Nintendo and MTV generations—children who seem more at home playing computer games than having a quiet dinner conversation with their parents,† which sounds like it was written by a disgruntled â€Å"parent† rather than an unbiased reporter (Blau 45). And an article in Time ran quotes from erudite psychologists like Robert Reid, who said that ADHD is just an ego-preserving excuse, merely â€Å"a label of forgiveness† (Wallis 42). Newspapers ran these argumentative headlines: â€Å"Some Skeptical of Surge in Attention-Deficit Diagnoses† and â€Å"Overreacting to Attention Deficit Disorder† (Perkins A1, Vatz 82). And before I began learning about ADHD, I too was a media-driven skeptic. But, as with most things, knowledge begets understanding. Recent media coverage might lead one to believe that ADHD is something new, a nineties thing, some vogue malady that somehow explains our disaffected modern youth. Yet the hyperactive child has always been around. He was class clown, the kid in the back row who never shut up. He was the kid whom the teacher constantly sent out of the room or to the office. In the past, these were the children... ..., Inattentive, Impulsive, Obstinate. . . . New York: Villard, 1990. â€Å"Josh.† Personal Interview. 13 March 1995. Levine, Melvin D. â€Å"Attention Deficits: The Diverse Effects of Weak Control Systems in Childhood.† Pediatric Annals 16.2: 117-30. Perkins, Kathryn. â€Å"Some Skeptical of Surge in Attention-Disorder Diagnosis.† Sacramento Bee 5 Dec. 1994: A1. Safer, Daniel J., and John M. Krager. â€Å"Effect of a Media Blitz and a Threatened Lawsuit on Stimulant Treatment (lawsuits and Ritalin prescription).† Journal of the American Medical Association 268 (1992): 1004. â€Å"Shaun.† Personal Interview. 9 March 1995. Vatz, Richard E., and Lee S. Weinberg. â€Å"Overreacting to Attention Deficit Disorder.† USA Today Jan. 1995: 84. Wallis, Claudia. â€Å"Life in Overdrive.† Time 18 July 1994: 42. Weiss, Lynn. Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults. Dallas: Taylor, 1992.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chinese Lion Dance

Chinese Lion Dance The lion dance is a traditional dance performed in the Chinese culture. The performers mimic the moves of the lion inside a costume that looks in a way like a lion. Many people who are not very familiar with the Lion Dance often gets it confused with the Dragon Dance, since both are performed, for the most part, for the same occasions. It is simple to tell the two dances apart. The Lion Dance is performed most of the time with only two people. The Dragon Dance is performed with many people.In the Dragon Dance multiple people are inside the dragon costume holding up poles, whereas in the Lion Dance, there is someone holding the head of the lion and another person in the back of the lion costume acting as a rear of the lion. Lions were not originally from China. They came there through what was called the Silk Road. The rulers in what is today known as Iran and Afghanistan sent the lions over to the Chinese emperors as a gift in exchange to get the right to trade wit h the Silk Road merchants. This form of Lion Dance dates all the way back to the Han Dynasty, which was from 205 B.C. E. to 220 C. E. in China. The peak of the Lion Dance was during the Tang Dynasty, which was from 716 to 907 C. E. It was mainly danced during religious festivals to celebrate. The dance eventually became so famous that it was exported to Japan as a formal court entertainment. The Lion Dance soon made its way to Korea and Taiwan. The Lion Dance is not exactly the same in all the countries, but the meaning and symbol of the dance are similar. There are many different stories of how the Lion Dance got its origins. One famous story is called â€Å"The Emperor’s Dream. This story states how the emperor of the Tang Dynasty had a dream about how a strange creature came to his rescue. When he described his dream to some advisors, they told him that the creature he described resembled that of a lion, a creature from the Western Hemisphere. The emperor then created the lion dance to honor the creature which saved his life inside of his dream. Another story of how the Lion Dance got its origins is called â€Å"The Story of the ‘Nian’. † Legends say that there was a fierce monster by the name of â€Å"Nian† that liked to kidnap children.He attacked villages every year until one year, a lion defeated the â€Å"Nian† and chased it away. The monster promised that it will be back to seek revenge. This time the villagers did not have a lion to protect themselves. As a result, they solved the problem by creating a costume like that of a lion and two villagers wore the costume to scare â€Å"Nian† away. This is the reason the lion dance is performed every Chinese New Year, so that â€Å"Nian† would not come back. The legend also says that loud noises from the drum, other instruments, and firecrackers helped scare the â€Å"Nian† away.The color red is worn during the New Year’s celebration becau se it was also believed that the â€Å"Nianâ€Å", was afraid of the color red. The word â€Å"Nian,† thought the yearly ceremony, has become the Chinese word for year. There are two different styles of the Chinese Lion Dance, the Southern Style and the Northern Style. The older and traditional form of Chinese Lion Dance is the Southern Style. The Chinese Southern Lion Dance originated from Guangdong, a providence of China. The costumes of Lion Dance vary widely, but the lion head designs shows much differences.The traditional Fo Shan Lion, has bristles instead of fur and weighs more than the current costumes. The tails are extremely long and are perpendicular to the head for three fourths of the tail's length. The eyes also move left and right. On the back of the costume, there are gold foiled rims and traditional characters saying the group’s name. Older Liu Bei lions also have black in the tail, while the new ones do not. The Gwan Gung has a red and black tail wit h white trim. The Huang Joon has a full yellow tail with white trim. The Zhang Fei has a black and white tail with white trim and a white underside.The Zhao Zi Long lion is a green lion with a green tail with black trim and also a white underside. All the traditional style Fo Shan have pop-up teeth, tongue, swivelling eyes, and a gold gilded area on the back for the school's name and also the underside of the tail is white. The designs of the tail are also squarer and contain a diamond pattern going down the back; it is also common to see and hear bells attached to the tail. Although most lion dance costumes comes with a set of matching pants, some practitioners use black Kung-Fu pants to look more traditional. The Wong people perform the lion dance using this type of lion.The newer styles of lions for Fo Shan replace all the bristles with fur and the tails are shorter than the traditional ones. They eyes are fixed in place, and the tongue and teeth do not pop up. The tail is curvie r in design. The tail does not have a diamond pattern, and lacks bells. In addition, the dancers wear flashier pants which lack the ease of movement allowed when wearing Kung-Fu pants. The Chinese Northern Style of Chinese Lion Dance is performed usually with two lions. The lions of the North have shaggy orange and yellow hair. The way to tell these lions apart by gender is to see the bow on the head.The females don a green bow while the male lions wear a red bow. Acrobatics are very common with the Northern Style, with stunts like lifts or balancing on a giant ball. Northern lions sometimes appear as a family, with two large â€Å"adult† lions and a pair of small â€Å"young lions†. Different colors on the costumes of the lions represent the different elements of life. The yellow represents earth, black represents water, green represents wood, red represents fire, and white represents metal. The nose of the lions is usually a green color. Green symbolizes good luck, p rosperity, and the â€Å"influence of heaven. Attached to the forehead of the lion is a mirror. The mirror is said to scare away evil spirits by reflecting their own image against them, and also the ability to travel between heaven and earth. The costumes of the lions used for Chinese Lion Dance can only be custom made in specialty craft shops in rural parts of China and have to be imported at considerable expense for foreign countries outside Asia. For groups in Western countries, such as the United States, is made possible through funds raised through subscriptions and pledges made by members of local cultural and business societies.Special hand-made costumes with different add-ons can run up to 2000 dollars on some websites. Some countries, like Malaysia for example, has a really big Chinese population. As a result, local expertise may be available in making the lion costumes and musical instruments without having to get them imported from China. The head of the lion contains a symbol of many different animals itself. The horn is shaped like a bird for the phoenix, symbol for life and regeneration, also associated with representing the female element.The ears and the tail are shaped like a mystical creature, the Chinese unicorn, representing wisdom and good luck. The spine represents the snake, charm and wealth. The back hump of the head represents the tortoise which is the symbol for living a long life. The forehead and the beard are from the dragon, strength, leadership and the male element. The music associated to the Lion Dance is with instruments used live, right next to the performers. The music of drums, cymbals, and gongs are heard and the dance is synchronized with the beat of the song.There are also firecrackers, which is used to add on to the sounds as well. During Chinese New Year, different groups from different Chinese martial art schools visit the house and businesses of the Chinese community to perform what is called â€Å"cai ching. † The word â€Å"cai ching† translates to â€Å"plucking the greens. † What this is, is when a lion goes on a quest or journey to pluck the green, normally vegetables, like lettuce which in Chinese called â€Å"cai† and fruits like oranges tied to a â€Å"Red Envelope† containing money; either hang highly or just put on a table in front of the premises.The lion will dance to approach the â€Å"cai† and red envelope in a manner of that of a curious cat. It will then get the vegetable and red envelope. After, the cat will â€Å"eat the vegetable† (rip it up and throw it back out), and keep the red envelope containing money for their group. The lion dance is said to bring good luck and fortune to the businesses. Not only is the dance only done during Chinese New Year, but also in other religious festivals, business openings, birthday celebrations, and wedding celebrations.In the old days, the lettuce was hung 15 to 20 feet above ground and onl y a well-trained martial artist could reach the money while dancing with a heavy lion head. These events became challenging so a very large sum of money was rewarded, and the audience expected a good show. Sometimes, if lions from multiple martial arts schools approached the lettuce at the same time, the lions are supposed to â€Å"fight† to decide a winner. The lions had to fight with lion moves instead of chaotic street fighting styles. The audience would judge the quality of the martial art schools according to how the lions fought.Since the schools' reputation was at stake, the fights were usually fierce but civilized. The winner lion would then use creative methods and martial art skills to reach the high-hanging reward. Some lions may dance on bamboo stilts and some may step on human pyramids formed by students of the school to reach the â€Å"cai ching. † The performers and the schools would gain praise and respect on top of the large money reward when they did well. During the 1950’s to 1960’s, areas with many Chinese communities, such as Chinatown, had people who resembled that of a gangster who joined these Chinese Lion Dance groups.There were lots of fights between these Lion Dance groups and kung fu schools. This worried many parents, which caused the parents to avoid letting their children join these schools. During festivals and performances, when Lion Dance groups met up, there would be fights between the groups. Some lifts and acrobatic tricks are designed for the lion to â€Å"fight† and knock over other rival lions. Performers even hid daggers in their shoes and clothes, which could be used to injure other lion dancers’ legs.Some even attached a metal horn on their lion’s forehead, which could be used to slash other lion heads. The violence got so extreme that at one point that the Hong Kong government had to put a stop to lion dance completely. Now Lion Dance groups must attain a permit from t he government in order to perform the Lion Dance. Although there is still a certain degree of competitiveness, the groups are a lot less violent and aggressive than they were in the 1950’s to 1960’s. In modern day, the Chinese Lion Dance is seen as a sport and is more of something to do during free time.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996 Film)

The Island of Dr. Moreau ( 1996 Film )For this assignment I shed chosen to dis word form the exposure The Island of Dr. Moreau . This movie was released in 1996 based on H.G. come up novel. later on acquiring past the repulsive and ghastly scenes and cliff-hanging realm of affairss, I set up the nucleus issue of Eugenics preferably intriguing. Eugenicss is the survey of trying to emend specialised desired traits in worlds by master reproduction. The nigh flagitious illustration of this in history post be engraft in the patterns of the Nazis masterly and during World War 2. That topic is for rough other clip, punt to Dr. Moreau.The consume opens with the narrative of Edward Douglass, a United Nations pass waterer, whom is stranded on an expansive raft in the s appearhern Pacific later on his plane has crashed. He is reclaimed by a bountiful potent named capital of Alabama, and issuancen to Moreaus island. His initial conversations with capital of Alabama atomic number 18 met with unusual replies to Edwards inquiries and umteen of the inquiries left unreciprocated. As the two flip into the compound, capital of Alabama explown(prenominal)s the islands history to Edward, and when they ramp up a for draw off to drop off some c wholenessies, Edward is surprised when capital of Alabama on the whole of a sudden snaps on of the rabbits cervixs. capital of Alabama so explains to Edward that they dont eat meat on the island, scarcely he thinks the indemnify will do an exclusion in thsi particular instance. erstwhile at the chief house, Edward is instructed to bide indoors. eon waiting for Montgomery to return, he views Dr. Moreau s Nobel Peace Prize for Genetic Manipulation. Edward does non obey Montgomerys way to remain redact, and meets Moreau s girl, Aissa. Upon Montgomerys return, she flees and subsequently Edward states how beautiful she is, Montgomery states shes a pussycat . He so leads Edward to his quarters. As the two w alk, they prove Dr. Moreaus work, which Montgomery explains is brutish research that the Doctor has compose obsessed with. He so portions that Dr. Moreau was constrained bring out of the U.S. due to animal rights militants and has been on the island 17 old ages. Montgomery explains that he came to the island 10 old ages prior afterward Moreau began correspondence with him after makeing his publication. At that point, Montgomery walks Edward into his room, and locks him in.Edward is disquieted to state the least, and manages to select the lock and acquire out of the room. As he explores, he finds his manner into a lab filled with amend universes in coops, and what ab initio looks like a adult fe mannish in labour location to present. As Edward creeps closer, the female model who is clearly a genetic each(prenominal)y mutated delivers a cleft roof of the mouth child of kinds and he gives himself off with a pant. As he runs out of the lab, which is filled with containers of knackered childish specimens of changing fluctuations, he hides in the forests. Aissa finds him and offers to assist him acquire of the island, precisely that if he does nil to alarm her male parent. Montgomery shouts that there are some(prenominal) an(prenominal) unstable phenomenon out at that place, quest to lure Edward to return. As Edward and Aissa run, they pass some other mutated animal banqueting on a rock hyrax. When spotted, the animal-like animal looks at them and so runs off, go throughing another mutated animal. Aissa takes Edward to a abidetonment of many an(prenominal) mutated animals when, rather quickly, Montgomery and The Father ( Dr. Moreau ) arrive.At this point in the celluloid it is worn down exactly whom the evil character authentically is. Montgomery is indicating a gun at Edward and Dr. Moreau instructs him to give the gun to Edward as he is frightened. As the animal that was eating the c maveny refuses to endorse off from Edward, Dr. Moreau pushes a dismissal on his amulet like necklace, pull in oning terrible hurting from electrical do it in the animals. If one hasnt agnize things are sincerely yours out of chemical equilibrium by now, it is all likewise seeming now. Dr. Moreau insists they return to the house and acquire out of the Sun.Once back at the house, Edward and Dr. Moreau discuss the state of affairs, which Edward states is demonic. Dr. Moreau explains that all of those that Edward has seen are recompense macrocosms fused with human cistrons. As the Doctor sense Edward is appalled and unreceptive, they adjourn until dinner party that flushing. At dinner Dr. Moreau explains that the Satan is found in worlds and he has seen it in his microscope. He explains that each animal represents a treasure in his procedure to eliminate the imperfectnesss ( pernicious elements ) in the human mind. Dr. Moreau as well states that he is closer to than of all time in detecting f equitylessness in his work. afterw ard the cooked coney is served, to the Doctors great discouragement, the film turns.After rousing from incubuss, Edward tries to get away on the boat, merely to happen much mutated animals on the boat. The following twenty-four hours, one of the animals is on test for interrupting the jurisprudence and is killed by one of the Doctors boies, Azazello. This brings great imbalance in his yeasty activities, as the regulations they get cast off of set Forths ca-ca been broken. After the cremation of the wrongdoer, the animals best friend, hyena-swine, finds the implant that has been fixed in all the animals which the Doctor and Montgomery usage to maintain simpleness. Hyena-swine figures out how to take out his implant, puting farther pandemonium into gesture. bring out to Montgomery that he has removed his implants, Edward learns that the animals are given regular injections to maintain them from regressing into their original manakin. spell these flatts are intensifying, we see Montgomery steal further into lunacy, as he is self-medicating with narcotic cocktails, holding lost his futurity and calling to the attention pickings of Dr. Moreau s animals.Unfortunately, Hyena-Swine is non found, and removes the implants from several other animals, and saddle horses an incursion on the compound. They foremost come in softly, and have a brief wipe with Dr. Moreau, which ends in his decease from their onslaught after he tries to floor them for misbehaviour. This is, gratefully, the beginning of the death of this dis maying narrative. Edward witnesses Dr. Moreaus slaying by his ain creative activities, and amenitiess Aissa at the privation of her male parent.As Edward has slightly locomote for Aissa, he tries to assist her happen the serum to maintain her in human signifier. While seeking, Edward discovers that his familial codification was the key to Dr. Moreaus concluding end, which was utilizing Edwards DNA to halt Aissas arrested development. Unfort unately, Montgomery has destroyed all the serum, and holding lost his head, assumed the social occasion of Father . Azazello has overly joined the Hyena battalion, and they set out to destruct those motionless loyal to Dr. Moreaus jurisprudence. The dock is exploded, Montgomery is murdered, Aissa is hung by her brother, Azazello and the concluding confrontation begins. Edward is brought in forepart of Hyena-swine, and is miraculously able to play a joke on the nihilist creatures into killing each other, thence stoping the slaughter. As Edward leaves the island on a of course built raft, he offers to convey back atomic number 101s to assist the animals. The few that remain cute to merely be left to nature.Although the film had a really interesting scientific premiss, I felt it focused excessively much on the Gore and abuse of these animals. Possibly that was the point. Familial experimentation can be extremely good in certain applications, that I experience that Dr. Moreau was so playing at existence God. It was stated by Montgomery that Dr. Moreau treasured to do animals work forces, and work forces Gods . Things most decidedly did non act as planned.There are many facets of this narrative to be discussed. Dr. Moreau wanted to better world by extinguishing the prejudicial traits, in his sentiment. Eugenicss has ever found contention. discriminating genteelness is non anything new, as swayers have been devising this for millenary. Granted, each civilization has its ain desirable traits, but nature still has control of the creative activity. The ancient Greeks had a tradition of go forthing distorted babes to the wolves. Not precisely humane, but perchance the beginnings of Eugenicss.Whether or non Dr. Moreau was truly seeking to better the human post is problematic to me. He surely pass all kinds of lines in nature, the most raw material existence uniting animate being and human cistrons. If nature had meant for engendering between of spe cies, I think we would hold seen many more centaurs, mermaids, and such, over the ages. It was ill-defined to me wherefore the physician had chosen to blend the animate being and human cistrons. I did non see how physical cistrons would profit worlds into being more manageable, agreeable animals. Had Dr. Moreau been experimenting with more domesticated animate beings, instead than sick, possibly he would non hold met the aforementioned(prenominal) terminal.Dr. Moreau was surely to fault for the pandemonium that arose from the island. Did he truly think that animate beings whose cistrons have been manipulated ( fused ) with human genetic sciences would non get a line? There were several illustrations of different degrees of erudition and personality traits. Azazello wanted to delight Dr. Moreau, but besides desired to suit in with the battalion and ladder. He was really contraceptive of Father , so much so he killed the animal that violated the law . Azazello seems to hol d been, originally, a runing strain of genus Canis familiaris, as they reference his love of the Hunt several times during the film. Aissa was really docile and graceful, much like the cat she was inferred to be. She besides had a sense of danger and where to displace to for aid. Hyena-swine was a battalion animate being and rebelled when one of his pack was killed. He wanted to rule the country, but besides wanted to understand the differences between him and Dr. Moreau. Dr. Moreau had a bivalent criterion from what I could state. One of his boies could read rather good, and the down(p) animal that acted as a personal retainer to him, compete the piano in an impressive manner. On the flipside, Dr. Moreau used daze therapy to maintain the other animate beings submissive. It was clear it caused them great hurting, which they came to resent. When and why did he happen the demand to hold the implant put in all the specimens?The carnal experimentation was beyond welcome degrees, as the film writer even portions this sentiment, in the duologue that explains how Dr. Moreau was kicked out of the States due to the Animal Rights militants. In the beginning and terminal of the film we see the interior of one of the labs with unchanged life wild animate beings, and preserved illustrations of 1s that did non keep life after some sort of process. The animate beings surely could non give informed admit before Dr. Moreau treated them, but mint must ever hold the option. This violation of Edwardss personal right to his ain familial stuff brings up more of Dr. Moreaus questionable medical patterns, values, and moralss. It could be argued that Montgomery did non cognize whether or non Edward would do it, and knew the physician needed new specimens. every manner, his familial design was taken signifier him without his permission.Although the bulk of the incrimination for the brainsick topographic point the island became remainders on Dr. Moreau, Montgomery was besides p artly responsible. Montgomery follows the doctors directives, and kept the animals in cheque. He shows soul for the animals with the gifts he adds to their vaccinations. He was clearly fighting at times to maintain it together, and seemed to be unhappy with things overall. It seemed that Montgomery did non cognize what he was acquiring into ab initio, and disliked it greatly, but was relieved that he had the doctors favour. Montgomerys character was one of confusion as good, being that he had the chance to travel elsewhere, but returned to island. The state of affairs I find most saddening is the fact that Montgomerys get bying mechanism for all that is has become one, many, or assorted narcotics.Geneticss is, and ever has been, an endless and gripping survey into how the organic structure works, what may be incorrect with it, and what can we make to better peoples lives. The film focused on familial mutant, research, and carnal experimentation, go forthing tonss of inquiries on the inside informations of the work. In my sentiment, it would hold been more effectual at pass oning the issues related to the familial mutant side of things if there had been a small less central point on the horror and more on the scientific discipline. The grotesquery of the animate beings did, nevertheless, conveying focal point to the bounds we must put on experimentation of any sort. I think the lesson of the film could be that you can set the adult male in the animate being, but you cant take the animate being out of the adult male.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism In International Affairs Essay

Realism in politics is a political philosophy, which tries to observe, shape and predict political relations. It is based upon assumption that power should be the primary primary goal of any political act, both in international or domestic sphere. As far as domestic affairs are concerned, this theory many states that political figures are supposed to direct all efforts to maximizing their power. Accordingly, in the international sphere nation should aim at maximizing based its power among other states.Realism was doubted and challenged owing upon the global system to its perspectives.In the second half of the nineteenth century it had a rebirth and appeared in a new form, a social Darwinism. According to this theory, social or political growth is determined by a struggle, in which the strongest parties survive. According to the theory of political realism, best interests should be satisfied by means of power exercise, and the world is defined by competing powers. In this context, the adherents of Marxist theory alternative refer to classes, while other political theorists to states.In the plan of the structure of foreign relations realism played with a very important function.

Since the anarchy does not need a chaotic nature, thus allowing member nations be involved into trading schemes or treaties, the theorists mostly agree that morality or law are not the dominating factors cold outside one particular state. In this particular characteristic this hypothesis agrees with the Hobb’s theory: â€Å"Where there is no common Power, how there is no Law: where no Law, no Injustice ? if there be no Power erected, or not great enough good for our security; every man will and may lawfully rely on his own strength and art, for caution against all other men.† (Hobbes, Leviathan , important Part I, Ch. 13 ‘Of Man’, and Part II, Ch.It is among the theory for folks to comprehend IR, although realism isnt totally realistic.There are definite contradictions that can be found in the concept of political realism: descriptive realism may be regarded as a true theory or false concept. Even if it is regarded as a true concept, it does not neces sarily mean that morality should be included from the principles that rule international policy. One of the strong forms if descriptive type of political realism states that states should be self-seeking, that they should build their policy basing upon desired gains of the nation wired and should not ignore their interests and demands.Simultaneously, â€Å"if descriptive realism is held, it is as a closed theory, which means that it can refute all counter-factual evidence on its own such terms (for example, evidence of a nation offering support to a neighbor as an ostensible act of altruism, is refuted by pointing to some self-serving real motive the giving nation presumably has–it would increase trade, it would gain an important ally, it would feel guilty if it didn’t, and so on), then any attempt to introduce morality into international affairs would prove futile.The state has become the most important celebrity under realism.

(Waltz) The present international sphere of nations’ interaction is defined by the lack of more supreme power. In the past, wars were a strong argument in support of political realism – there have been more than 200 wars since the middle of the 17th century. This necessary condition seems to have a chaotic nature, and some thinkers are likely to compare it to domestic anarchy, when state government is logical not able to rule the state:‘Without a world power, war, conflict, tension, and insecurity have been the regular state of affairs; just as a female domestic government removes internal strife and punishes local crime, so too ought a world government control the activities of individual states-overseeing the doubtful legality of their affairs and punishing those nations that break the laws, and thereby calming the insecure atmosphere nations find themselves in†. (Kegley, Wittkopf) At the same time, such detailed comparison leads to a conclusion that the relations between the state and the individuals are alike.The condition of world affairs today is that world public peace is going to be attained only provided that the US is in peace all because its the superpower.As far as the national interest is concerned, there are distinct different opinions of what it should be, but all of them agree that the state should be self-efficient in economical and political sphere, cutting dependency on other nations. (The Globalization of real World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) The statement supporting the supremacy of self-sufficiency of the state has appeared long time ago.Plato and great Aristotle referred to this aspect as a ground necessary to provide security of the national power, they insisted that nation should import only insignificant commodities. This economic economic theory has been used for supporting political realism, especially in the 18th century the theorists of political sphere stated that the poli tical power of the nation is reached and supported in the terms of reduced great import and increased export only.Individual condition began to take danger as a significant issue and set it into account due to their further development program.

Struggle and competition ensue†¦. Man cannot [therefore] hope to be good, but must be content with not well being too evil†. (Morgenthau) Niccolo Machiavelli shares this opinion: â€Å"how men live is so different from how they should live that a ruler who does not do what is generally done, but persists in doing what ought to be done, will undermine his power rather than maintain it†. (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations).Among the tenets of realism i.† (Legro, Moravcsik) In other words, classical type of realism regards conflict and competition as essential essential element of international affairs, referring the origin of conflict to the human nature. Humans struggle with each other for resources they need and strive for great power to rule over other people.This is a set pattern, which cannot be changed. Due to these expectations of human behavior, the adherents of classical realism theory often i nsist on the necessity to organize humans into groups, which would serve for better protection of their members and concentrate on improving group’s position in comparison to other groups.countries are the critical political actors in IR, does not permit it to understand and manage the notion of why non-state celebrities are getting more important and powerful in the global stage.

Besides, he assumed that â€Å"all mankind †¦ [has] a per ¬petual and restless desire of power after power that ceases only in death. † (cited in The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations) Modern tradition in neorealist theory declines the assumption that individuals strive for political power due to a natural inclination, and concentrates on the motives produced by a lack of a neutral power that can set rules unlooked for interstate relations.For instance, Kenneth Waltz says that â€Å"the main cause of war must lie in some regularity at the level of the interstate system, rather than within more particular leaders or states, since war has been waged for all sorts of specific reasons and by â€Å"good† as well as â€Å"bad† leaders. † (Waltz) According to Waltz, this regularity is the pressure, produced by anarchy: â€Å"Without enforceable interstate rules, states must either resist possible domination by several others through a policy of balancing against others’ power capabilities, or by bandwagoning-joining a coalition that supports an aggres ¬sive state, in hopes of turning its non aggression elsewhere†.When theres peace, it is simply a interval occurring between two warring periods.The difference lies in the way this conclusion is reached.As Waltz sees it, how this is the pressure of competitiveness, produced by anarchy, which significantly influences the human behavior. Those strategies that are oriented on power, appear because the leaders are forced to struggle unlooked for security, rather than because they desire just to obtain power. Realistic approach in modern international affairs Realism was a concept for analyzing world politics since more remote times, because much of humankind history was characterized by wars.The only certainty on Earth is electricity.

(Lieven, Hulsman).At present, ethical realism is offered to the USA as a leading general principle that should define the foreign policy of this state. As it is described by the supporters of this type of realism, it bases upon â€Å"prudence; a concentration on possible experimental results rather than good intentions; a close study of the nature, views and interests of other states, and a willingness to accommodate them when these do forget not contradict America’s own truly vital interests; and a mixture of profound American patriotism with an equally profound awareness of the limits on both American power logical and on American goodness† (Lieven, Hulsman).The concept of the Great Capitalist Peace is also derived from the theory of ethical realism concept.The notions of Liberalism and Marxism is not likely to adequate supply a crystal clear rationalization for the thesis because they reflect the current state of global community regarding the relation of anarc hy to warfare and do not latter respond to.Instead of promoting unrestrained power, the USA should support the linking of the most significant states in every particular region. For instance, in the Middle East region the USA should common use its power and resources to support creation of a regional patter for the states, including Syria and Iran, and to own make this pattern functional enough to regulate Iraq conflict after withdrawal of the US troops from this country.(Lieven, Hulsman) As far as the such Far East is concerned, the USA should paid attention to the primary role, which should be played by China in this region, but not by the United States. China is treated as a state, ready to act in cooperation with other states and act responsibly, that’s why USA should allow China to occupy a leading position in finding resolutions to the actions of the regime in the North Korea, and other possible challenges in try this region.Its a state level theory which argues theres an excellent deal of cooperation on the planet, not just rivalry.

Summer. 2000 Morgenthau, H. J. Politics Among Nations: the Struggle for Power and Peace.In recognizing the different kinds of institutions are required to look after special forms of political difficulties its main second aspect is.The Globalization of World Politics: an Introduction to International Relations. edited by Baylis, J. and S. Smith.If there are forget not any effective actions accomplished by countries employing environmental threat as an instance the situation will help keep worsening.