Thursday, September 12, 2019

Identify a corporate situation that could disturb you as a manager Essay

Identify a corporate situation that could disturb you as a manager. Evaluate the situation and use marketing research methodolo - Essay Example It also stages quarterly fashion shows to showcase their new styles of children’s clothes. The company explored internet and social media advertising to boost their sales and indeed, sales increased more than 100% in just one year. The report shows evidence that advertising through Google ads, Facebook, Twitter and other internet websites can be very effective marketing strategies to gain more profits for a small business such as Twinkles Children’s Gear. ... This development provides much hope for small and medium enterprises to widen their exposure and reach a bigger market. Twinkles Children’s Gear is a small enterprise that sells customized clothes for aged children (7-12 years). Established in 2010, it is a relatively new company that has thrived on traditional marketing to sell their products. They stage fashion shows in hotels to show their new line of clothes on a quarterly basis and advertise these shows in local newspapers, posters and distributing leaflets in local shops, fast food outlets, schools, clinics and establishments catering to children and their parents. The manager of the business found the advertising strategies too time consuming and inconvenient and even encountered difficulty in securing permits for signage. Hence, they were ambivalent in posting signs everywhere to advertise their business. At the same time, expenses in staging fashion shows were getting higher. This pushed them to explore internet adver tising to supplement their present marketing strategies. Traditional advertising methods brought them more business as it was able to stir up interest from customers that it kept them coming back or calling for more information regarding show dates, studio location, new styles, etc. When they began exploring the internet as a possible platform for marketing, they found out that possibilities were endless. Upon setting up their first website, they were able to direct their potential customers to it for more in-depth information. At the end of the same year, they promoted their website with Google ads by paying for web hits. This caused traffic on their site to dramatically increase

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