Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reading Assessments Essay

INFORMAL USE FORMAL USE FORMATIVE USE SUMMATIVE USE | ANECDOTALRECORDS| To observe students in instructional settings. Used for identifying reading comprehension benchmark. (Boyd-Batstone, 2004),| THINK ALOUDS| Stragey for the think aloud enables modeling for students. Enables them to see how accomplished readers create the meaning from the book. Enables students to monitor their thoughts as they read and advances their intellectual capacity. It educates students to look back over a sentence, read in advance to clarify, and/or look for context sign to make logic of what they read. SELF-EVALUATI0N| To progress accomplishment in the classroom. Supports the idea of a collaborative learning environment. Assessment offers educators to increase ways to connect students to be more imaginative. (Stiggins, 1991,2001). | END OF UNIT TEST OR PROJECTS| When assessments reproduce the affirmed learning objectives, a well-made end of unit test provides teachers with information relating to individual students. | | | | | | FEEDBACK | Teacher create written or oral feedback to student discussion or work. | | | | | | | | | | STANDAR-ADIZED ASSESS-MENTS | Tests that precisely reveal state performance and content standards offers a clue of how many students are accomplishing established grade-level expectations| | | | | | | | PORTFOLI0S | When used as part of an assessment of student learning, portfolios make available proof to support attainment of stated learning objectives| | | | | | CURRICULM BASED MEASUREM-ENT (CBM)| Set of standardized measures is used to decide student progress and performance (Deno, 2001). | | | | READING LOGS| | COMPREHENSIVE TEST OF PHONOLOGIC-AL PROCESSING | Spotlight is on observing learner replies. Monitor progress with instruction. Presents instantaneous responses to both the educator and student on the topic of the learning process. | DISCOVERY TALK | Conversations used to unearth out what is going on in students life that might be affecting performance at school. (Zimmerman,1996)| | | | ORALRETELLINGS| Gives evidence that students comprehend what they are reading. †¢ Students retell the story by using their own words and recalling the sequence of events correctly. †¢ Students should be able to answer to questions about the chapter/book †¢ Have students create drawings that demonstrate comprehension. Relate new knowledge to prior knowledge (Rathvon, 2004). | DIBELS| Set of measures and procedures for assessing the achievement of early literacy Intended to be short (one minute) fluency dealings used to regularly observe the growth of early literacy and early reading skills. Developed to measure, recognized and empirically confirm skills related to reading outcomes. | | | | | | RECORDEDOBSERVATION| Offers assessment to center the focal point on the student’s potential to identify logos or common signs in or out of the context. (Compton,1997). | Story Construction from aPicture Book| Enables teacher to see how a student interprets the story and observation of reading skills. | | | | | | STUDENTPORTFOLIOS| Supplies data to document recognized reading goals. (Paris, 2002)| Use collections of classroom assessmentInformation to get ready for parent conferences. Classroom assessment assist to be aware of the whole child| | | | | | | . References Boyd-Batstone, P. (2004). Focused anecdotal records assessment: A tool for standards-based, authentic assessment. Reading Teacher, 58(4), 230-238. Compton, D.L. (1997). Using a developmental model to assess children’s word recognition. Intervention in School and Clinic, 32(5), 283. Deno, S. L. (2001). Curriculum-based measures: Development and perspectives. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from http://www. progressmonitoring. net/CBM_Article_Deno. pdf. Hoge, R. D. , & Coladarci, T. (1989). Teacher-based judgments of academic achievement: A review of literature. Review of Educational Research, 59(3), 297–323. Paris, S. G. , Paris, A. H. , & Carpenter, R. D. (2002). Effective practices for assessing young readers. In B. Taylor & P. D. Pearson (Eds. ), Teaching reading: Effective schools, accomplished teachers (pp. 141-162). Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Rathvon, N. (2004). Early reading assessment: A practitioner’s handbook. New York: Guilford Press. Stiggins, R. J. (2001). The unfulfilled promise of classroom assessment. EducationalMeasurement: Issues and Practice, 20(3), 5-14. Zimmerman, B. J. , Bonner, S. , & Kovach, R. (1996). Developing self-regulated learners: Beyond achievement to self-efficacy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

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