Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 30

Homework - Essay Example The incident that included not seeing birds when they were there all along stems from the inability to completely focus that could have helped in watching the organisms in the tree. The being analyzed work is discussing a reality that humans tend to see what they cardinally expect to see and therefore, they do that anyway. In a mental hospital a man was seeing eight fingers instead for four because he is willing to do that. However, the perception of the humans do not change the reality but does so with one’s life as individuals are significantly noticed to base their decisions in life on their judgments which are dependent on their perception. In this way, humans create their own reality and very few of them are able to know what actually lies out there. The actual knowledge can be gathered with the help of following logic and realistic thinking and have you ever used them in order to find out the reality of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Coffee and Starbucks Essay Example for Free

Coffee and Starbucks Essay How Did Starbucks Become an Icon of America Pop Culture? â€Å"Coffee† is a high frequency word in people’s lives. Students like to read books with sunshine and a cup of coffee. Professors like to walk into their classrooms to start their first class with cups of coffee in hand. People usually drink coffee with their breakfast. Most fast food breakfast meals, such as McDonald’s, include a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee in the morning can give people an energetic and fresh day. â€Å"Americans really do like coffee. † This saying comes from a video called The History of Coffee Culture in America. Coffee culture is profound in America. Most American people love coffee not only because coffee culture is popular and cool, but also because it tastes good. Americans already had adapted well to let coffee become a part of their lives. When the topic comes to coffee, people always think of Starbucks because it is different from other coffee stores. It has customized service, superior taste, a wide range of options, and unique packaging and ideals. As time goes on, Starbucks more and more approaches people’s lives and becomes an important part of the coffee culture in America, even in the whole world. Now, the Starbucks brand has become a part of pop culture in this 2 wang century. It uses a superior product, unique principles and attractive designs to make an ordinary coffee shop become special and exceptional. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world (Starbucks). It had 10,924 stores in the United States in 2012, and the company has been expanding and growing quickly in the two years since (Starbucks Company Statistics). The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington, on March 30, 1971, by three partners who met while they were students (Starbucks). People always think the Starbucks green logo is Heather Graham holding up two striped bass, but the symbol actually means obsession, addiction and death. People may not realize that the woman in their green label with twin fishtails is a siren from Greek mythology. She was chosen as the logo because Starbucks was looking for a nautical theme to capture the spirit of Seattle (7 Horrifying). Maybe people will ask, then why is Starbucks called â€Å"Starbucks†? The name â€Å"Starbucks† is not picked randomly by the originator, it actually means a lot. It is nothing to do with the logo and product. Actually â€Å"Starbucks† is a person’s name. In a famous novel called Moby Dick, the whaler â€Å"Pequod† has a first-mate who loves coffee very much. His name is Starbucks. The book Pour Your Heart Into It-How Starbucks Built A Company One Cup at a Time is written by Howard Schultz. He is Starbucks’ chairman. He thought the name â€Å"Starbucks† reminds people of the sea adventure stories and histories about coffee merchant travel around the world to find high quality coffee beans (Dori Jones Yang). The originators actually expected a lot from this name and this company from the beginning. 3 wang. Thefirstandalsothemostimportanttraitforasuccessfulbusinessisasuperior product. They are committed to buying and serving high-quality coffee to keep the pure taste. Starbucks’ coffee beans mainly come from Costa Rica and Asia. They have strict management system to control the quality of coffee beans and other products. That is why Starbucks can keep purity of their coffee (Starbucks). GreatvarietyisanotherreasonpeoplepreferStarbucks. Ithastonsofflavorsof coffees. They also have a secret menu, which not a lot of people know. People also can design their own coffee in Starbucks App. Starbucks also has special coffee for each season even special events, such as pumpkin flavor drinks for Halloween. â€Å"Starbucks up to now is not just a coffee maker. It actually only makes coffee-flavored drinks,† a Starbucks’ marketing manager said in a promotion video. They are professionals at making coffee drinks, and firstly they have to learn how to make it right. Legend is one of the originators; he went to Italy-the birth of coffee-to visit for a few months before they started the business. Starbucksalsohaveauniqueideaabouthowtosealcoffeethathascreativenew practices around the country. They uses Italian words for the cup size such as â€Å"Grande† for medium, not only to demonstrate that they are professional, but also to give people a feeling that it is cool and fashionable. Even though people do not think â€Å"Grande† can prove this coffee store is professional, it will still give people a feeling that they are special. Starbucks does not give much advance publicity, and they do not have a lot of 4 wang posters, but the few posters they have are concise and specific. The main idea of the poster is to express that coffee is equal to energy. The â€Å"Morning† set of posters tells people they need caffeine to make the day full of energy. An energetic day sounds attractive, so Starbucks’ use of people’s desire to have â€Å"an energetic day† encourages people to buy coffee. Starbucks also has another feature. They are not the same as other coffee stores, which encourage people to drink slowly and enjoy the coffee. On the contrary, they make â€Å"fast coffee. † Starbucks has a drive-thru, which is the principle for fast food. Fast coffee attracts different customer groups than other coffee stores. â€Å"Fast coffee† is more suitable for office workers, administrative workers, students, teachers, etc. who are adapting to the fast paced life. They are not poor and they do not have time to sit down and enjoy coffee in the coffee store, so Starbucks is absolutely suitable for them. These kinds of customers account for the vast majority of people. The totally different principles make Starbucks become a totally different coffee store, standing out and becoming a leader of the whole coffee market. The huge customer base makes Starbucks become a part of the coffee culture, not a small coffee company any more. The huge customer group also gives this logo special definition, which is fashionable and cool. People have group psychology, which means people usually are interested in the activities that other people are doing. For example, if 90% of one’s friends like to eat â€Å"pepperoni pizza† for lunch, then that person must want to try it, unless he/she hates pizza. The Starbucks image is another feature. Not a lot of coffee stores write the 5 wang customer’s name on their cup. That is interesting and makes the customer feel special. Starbucks’ special management philosophy and principle make it special enough to make people talk about it and want to become a part of pop culture, too. Thereisanoldsentence,â€Å"Firstimpressionsareveryimportant. †Thedesignand appearance are the first impression that Starbucks gives to customers. So the attractive design is also an important reason why Starbucks has become a part of pop culture in this century. The first important design is the logo, which is the â€Å"enchantress† from the Greek mythology. It gives customers a feeling of mystery, pretty and decorative. The outstanding logo makes their products attractive. Starbucks sells their â€Å"Starbucks China Cups† for not a low price, but still a lot of people want to buy it. The main reason is they are pretty, and people do not think cups with a Starbucks’ logo are ugly. The second reason, of course, people think Starbucks is cool and popular. It is a symbol of fashion. A wide range of options and attractive design makes Starbucks products become more and more welcome. Not only the pretty logo and the products, the gift card is another highlight of attractive design. Most big companies or stores have their own special gift card, but Starbucks has many. They have tons of different design gift cards each year, for different seasons, special festivals, birthdays, birth and graduates. Their pretty designs and special meaning made them popular. Starbucks is popular,but customershave topay forit. Starbucks’ averageprice for coffee ruled higher than other coffee stores. A tall latte in Starbucks is $3. 00 without tax. 6 wang In McDonald’s it is only $1. 99, and in Dunkin Donuts it is only $1. 69 (Yahoo Answers). Thus it can be seen that Starbucks goes far beyond the average price. If people want to enjoy high quality coffee or catch up with fashions, people have to pay more money. Different company usually has different consumer orientation. High-level consumer group usually do not care about a few dollars. They only care about the quality and how easy and fast it is. Actually that group of people is in the minority. Most people care about a few dollars, especially people who loves coffee. Spend few more dollars on each cup of coffee is actually a huge number of money. People have to face a trade-off. Want to catch up with fashions or improve the status? Then pay more money first. NoonecandenythepopularityofStarbucks. Itusesitsspecialdesigntocatch customers’ eyes, such as their representative logo and their special design cups. Then they use excellent products and unique taste to keep customers coming back. Finally uses people’s group psychology and the strong principle to make themselves to became a part of popular culture, not only a coffee shop. Now, Starbucks is a trend. It is expensive, but still a lot people chase after it. Work Cited Coffee Culture. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. 7 wang Curtasu, Matei. Starbucks Good Morning! Good Morning! Behance. Behance, 11 July 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. Starbucks Company Statistics. Statistic Brain RSS. Starbucks Company Statistics, 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. Starbucks Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Sept. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. The History of Coffee Culture in America. History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. N. p. , n. d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. Why is Starbucks coffee so expensive? Coffee isnt worth five bucks! Blinkie dot org. 5 Nov. 2012. Blinkie dot org. 30 Apr. 2014 Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n. d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. 7 Horrifying Historical Origins of Famous Corporate Logos. Cracked. com. Cracked, 16 Feb. 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Consumer/Survivors Movement Essay -- Mental health,Psychiatry, Res

Methods This paper focuses on the current initiatives and electronic/ paper resources created to further the claims of the Consumer/Survivors movement. The search of my data included searches including, C/S/X, mental health consumers movement, MAD pride, anti-psychiatry, mental health movements. I chose articles and websites based on their relevance to the Consumer/ Survivor movement which included information provided by consumers themselves and their allies (organizations and/ or individual/ groups that were pro C/S/X movement.) First, I researched articles, both from peer reviewed journals, periodicals, websites written by allies of consumers about the C/S/X, their motives, views etc to get obtain some background information about the movement and look into other sources of information. Next, I collected information from ally organizations such as CAMH and Community Resources Toronto. These site provided information about the activities of some of the C/S./X groups including resources that were available to them and created by them. some of the resources included: community bulletin, community program evaluations ( which looked into the effectiveness of the resources provided to mental health consumers. ) Third, I looked into personal websites, YouTube videos, blogs, and books about survivors and/or consumers experiences within the mental health system. Many of the searches resulted in experiences around psychiatry. Finally, I looked at sources pertaining to the MAD pride movement including their webs ite, bulletins, YouTube channel, MAD ‘zines’ ( MAD pride magazines), newspaper articles written by individuals within the MAD movement. I particularly paid specific attention to their mission statement, activities within t... ...llness. A Report on the Fifth International Stigma Conference . June 4–6, 2012. Ottawa, Canada qldalliance ( Jan21 ,2008. ) Visions Retrieved From : Rosen, G. (1968) Madness in Society. New York: Harper Torchbooks, Schrater,S., Jones,N., and Shattell, M. (2013)Mad Pride: Reflections on Sociopolitical Identity and Mental Diversity in the Context of Culturally Competent Psychiatric Care. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34. 62–64. Shea, P. B. (1999). Defining madness (No. 12). Hawkins Press. Thornicroft, G., & Tansella, M. (2005). Growing recognition of the importance of service user involvement in mental health service planning and evaluation. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 14(01), 1-3. Wahl, O. F. (1999). Mental health consumers' experience of stigma. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 25(3), 467-478.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Data Collection Essay

* The Rough was excluded during the calculation of the mean as the rough was a trial to indicate the general whereabouts of the end point, which is inaccurate of the exact end point. Table 2. Observations collected during the experiment. Table contains observations which were recorded during each trial of the experiment. Trials Observations Before trials * When water was added to the crystals of oxalic acid, it dissolved almost instantly with a light stirring of the beaker. Rough * When two drops phenolphthalein was added to the solution of sodium hydroxide, the solution turned pink. * After adding about 20.8dm3 of oxalic acid into the sodium hydroxide solution, while swirling the conical flask, the solution turned completely clear – the oxalic acid was filled up to 21dm3 to have a rounded rough end point to work with. 1 * When two drops of phenolphthalein was added to the sodium hydroxide solution, the solution turned pink. * After adding about 20dm3 of oxalic acid solution, while swirling the conical flask gently, each drop of oxalic acid solution began to turn the pink solution slightly clear. * After about 20.6dm3 oxalic acid solution was added, the pink solution turned completely clear. 2 * Two drops of phenolphthalein was added to sodium hydroxide solution, producing a pink coloured solution. * After about 20dm3 of oxalic acid solution was added, each drop began turning the pink solution slightly clear. * After adding around 20.4dm3 of oxalic acid solution, the pink solution turned completely clear. 3 * Two drops of phenolphthalein was added to the sodium hydroxide solution, turning the solution in the conical flask pink. * After adding about 20dm3 of oxalic acid solution, each drop began turning the pink solution slightly clear. * When about 20.3dm3 of the acid was added, the pink solution turned completely clear. Data Processing 1. Write an equation for the reaction. (COOH)2 + 2NaOH –> 2NaCO3 + 2H2O 2. What amount (in moles) of NaOH is present in 20.0 cm3 of 0.097 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution? c = n/v c = 0.097mol dm-3 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.001 = 0.097mols à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (0.001/0.097 x 100%) = 0.097mols dm-3 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.03% v = 20.0cm3 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.04 = (20.0/1000) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (0.04/20.0 x 100%) = 0.020dm3 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.2% n = ? n = c x v n = 0.097 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.03% x 0.020 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.2% n = 0.00194 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (1.03 + 0.2)% ? n = 0.00194 mols à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.23% 3. What amount of oxalic acid was present in the average volume required to react exactly with the sodium hydroxide solution? Using the molar ratio of 1:2 for acid : base respectively: 0.00194 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.23% / 2 = 0.00097 mols ? amount of oxalic acid present = 0.00097 mols à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.23% 4. What amount of oxalic acid was present in your 250 cm3 volumetric flask? Concentration of acid in 250mL is the same as the concentration of acid in 1L. Therefore the concentration of acid in 1 dm-3 of acid solution is the same as concentration of acid in 250mL: c = n/v c = 0.0119à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.03% / 0.25 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½(0.15/250 x 100%) c = 0.0476 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (2.03+0.06)% ? c = 0.05 mols dm-3 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.09% (concentration of acid) c = n/v 0.05à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.09% = n / 0.25 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.06% 0.05à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.09% x 0.25à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.06% = n ? n = 0.0125 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (2.09 + 0.06)% ? moles of oxalic acid in 250mL solution = 0.0125 mols à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.15% 5. What is the mass of one mole of oxalic acid? n = m/MM MM = m/n MM = 1.5g à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.02 / 0.0125mols à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.15% MM = 1.5 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½(0.02/1.5 x100%) / 0.0125à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.15% MM = 120 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½(1.33+2.15)% MM = 120 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% m = n x MM m = 1 x 120à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% ? mass of one mole of oxalic acid = 120g à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% 6. How many molecules of water of crystallisation are present in one mole? MM of (COOH)2 = 2(12.01 + 32 + 1) = 90.04 MM of H2O = (2.02 + 16) = 18.02 (COOH)2.xH2O = 120g à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% ? 90.04 + 18.02x = 120g à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% ? 18.02x = 120g à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% – 90.04 ? 18.02x = 29.96à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% (/18.02) ? x = 1.6626à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% ? Molecules of water of crystallisation = 1.66à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.06 Conclusion and Evaluation Discussion 1. Estimate the degree of uncertainty in your readings using the balance, the volumetric flask, the pipette and the burette. How accurately can you quote your answer? Balance = à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.02g Volumetric flask = à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.15mL Pipette = à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.04cm3 Burette = à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.15cm3 The equipments used were relatively accurate as the uncertainties compared to the collected values are small. 2. Compare your answer with the correct answer and work out the percentage error. Percentage error = [(experimental value – actual value) / actual value] x 100% = [(1.6626 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% – 2) / 2] x 100% = 16.87% à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.74% 3. Suggest any other reasons for possible error. Other reasons for possible error include the uncertainty of equipments, human errors and mistakes, possibility of contaminated solutions, air bubbles and transference of solution between equipments. This experiment was conducted to find the ratio of water in hydrate oxalic acid crystals. This included calculations of the theoretical and experimental values for the ratio of water in the hydrate oxalic acid crystals and the percentage errors of values compared. The equation for the reaction between the sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) and the oxalic acid solution ((COOH)2) was worked out, with the product being a salt (NaCO3) and water (H2O). As the oxalic acid solution is a dibasic acid solution, the reaction ratio with sodium hydroxide is 1:2. The amount of NaOH, in moles, was also calculated by multiplying the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution and the volume of sodium hydroxide solution used. The equation c = n/v was used to calculate this. The result was 0.00194 moles of NaOH in the sodium hydroxide solution with an uncertainty of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.23%. The amount of oxalic acid presented in the average volume required to react exactly with the sodium hydroxide solution was also calculated; by dividing the moles of NaOH (0.00194à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.23%) by 2, based on the 1:2 reaction ratio stated before. The result was 0.00097 moles with an uncertainty of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.23%. The amount of oxalic acid present in 250cm3 was also calculated. The concentration of acid in 250mL is the same as the concentration of acid in 1L, therefore, the concentration of acid in 1dm-3 of the oxalic acid solution is the same concentration as the acid in 250mL. With this understood, the equation c = n/v was used once again. The ‘concentration’ was first calculated by dividing the moles of NaOH by 0.25dm3. The result (0.05mols dm-3 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.09), was used in further calculations to determine the moles of oxalic acid by multiplying the previous calculated concentration (0.05mols dm-3 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.09) with 0.25dm3, resulting in the moles of oxalic acid in the 250mL solution as 0.0125mols à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.15%. This value was used in the calculation of the mass of one mole of oxalic acid. The equation n = m/MM was used in this calculation. The MM (molar mass) was first calculated, dividing the mass of oxalic acid crystals by the moles of oxalic acid (1.5 / 0.0125). The mass (m = n x MM) was calculated with the result of this (1 x 120à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48%), resulting in the mass of one mole of oxalic acid being 120à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48%. Finally, the molecules of water of crystallisation presented in one mole were calculated. This was done by using the mass of one mole of oxalic acid (120à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48%), subtracting the MM of (COOH)2 (90.04) from it and dividing the result by MM of H2O (18.02). The final result of the number of molecules of water in crystallisation equalled 1.66 with an uncertainty of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.48% or 0.06. With this final result, the percentage error was calculated, being 16.87%à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.74%. All the uncertainties within the values used were calculated into percentage through dividing the uncertainty by the value and multiplying it by 100%. The uncertainties were converted into percentages before doing calculations were done. There were several limitations found during this experiment which would have been the cause of an inaccurate final result – the variation between the theoretical value of 2 and the experimental value of 1.66à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½0.06. These limitations include the uncertainties of the equipment, human errors and mistakes, possibility of contaminated solutions, air bubbles found in solutions and the transference of solution between equipments. The significance of these errors and the improvements are listed in the table below. Limitations Significance Improvements Uncertainty of equipments Uncertainties were obtained during the experiment through the use of equipments. The inaccurate recording of data would have affected the results in the end. Eg. The readings on the electronic scale weren’t fully stable and consistent at one value, it varied – increasing and decreasing slightly. In the case of the electronic scale, it was suggested that the variation in weight value was due to the air-conditioning blowing down on it. The air-conditioner could be turned off to reduce the uncertainties and variations. Students could also prevent themselves from breathing heavily down onto the scale while measuring, this could have contributed to the variation as well. Human errors and mistakes Mistakes could affect the outcome and accuracy of results. Eg. While adding water into the volumetric flask to dissolve the oxalic acid crystals, a student accidentally added a little too much, over the 250cm3 that was intended. This would have over diluted the oxalic acid. This could have been avoided through patience while adding the water into the volumetric flask. This could also have been done slowly and carefully, probably using a pipette towards the end – at the 250cm3 mark. Reading the measurement of the pipette, burette and volumetric flask could have been inaccurate, causing results to be inaccurate and in turn affecting the calculations. Inaccuracy could have been due to improper way of reading the measurement. Students should have bent down slightly with the measurement at eye level. Student`s heads should not be tilted but level with the equipment as well. The measurement should also be read at the parallax, not above or below it. Possibility of contaminated solutions The experiment was conducted with the use of several different solutions. These solutions could have accidentally been mixed in with each other, causing the solution to be contaminated. The results obtained due to this could have been inaccurate, affecting the final results. Being careful with the solutions used would help avoid this. Using clean equipments for each different solution, making sure the solutions that are not meant to be placed together do not get mixed with each other. After the use of some of the equipments, they were to be washed and reused for another solution. The equipments were not dried before being used again; this could have diluted the solution and contaminated it. Drying the equipment each time after it is washed/cleaned would prevent access water and dilution of solutions. Air bubbles When transferring the dissolved oxalic acid into the burette, there were some tiny air bubbles. This would have because the measurement to be inaccurate as the air bubbles would have caused the reading of the solution to be greater than it actually is. Over time when the bubbles removed itself from the solution which would have caused a decrease in solution. The inaccurate measurement reading would have affected the final results of the experiment. The burette could have been left alone for awhile to allow the bubbles to float to the top. Whatever the amount the bubbles made up for, fill the burette up again with the use of a pipette. Transference of solution between equipments When transferring solutions between two or more differing equipments would have caused an increase of decrease in measurement. An inaccurate amount of solution would have affected the results or recorded data. When using a funnel during the transference of solution into the burette, it caused some increase in the desired amount. This is due to the tip of the funnel having some drops of solution left in it and when the funnel was removed, the movement could have caused those drops to drop into the burette, causing an increase in amount of solution. This could be prevented by either slowly removing the funnel or using the funnel up to a certain mark, remove it and fill up to the desired amount with the use of a small pipette – drop by drop. When using the 20mL pipette to transfer the sodium hydroxide into the conical flask, the tip of the nozzle had a drop that was tempted to drop out of the pipette. Avoid touching the sides and move the pipette over the flask slowly would reduce the chances of it dripping out and altering the volume of solution. A small amount of the solution was also stuck at the tip of the nozzle after being emptied. By touching the tip to the side of the flask would help that tiny bit of solution flow out. If possible have the nozzle flat on the side of the flask, this would allow it to flow out smoothly. To avoid or reduce these significant errors, these solutions and improvements should be taken into consideration during future repetition of this experiment. The experiment overall was invalid. Though the values in data collection may have been to a 0.10cm3 difference, the final calculation of the percentage error, 16.87%à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1.74%, was much greater than the desired 1% causing the experiment to be invalid.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Profits

Milton Friedman, â€Å"The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Profits† In the article, â€Å"The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Profits,† Friedman states that â€Å"businessmen believe that they are defending free enterprise when they proclaim that business is not concerned merely with profit but also with promoting desirable social ends. † This social responsibility is defined as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is the belief that â€Å"corporations owe a greater duty to their communities and stakeholders† by having a â€Å"social conscience. This, among other things, includes being environmentally responsible, contributing to non-profit organizations, and eliminating discrimination. Friedman argues that â€Å"only people can have responsibilities† but that â€Å"businesses as a whole† cannot, as they are not persons. Since the corporate executive is an employee of the shareholders, and therefore only â€Å"responsible to his employers. † The corporate executive has primary responsibility to his employers to conduct business as they see fit, and manage the business to create the most profit while following the â€Å"basic rules of the society†.It is then seen that the corporate executive is acting as a â€Å"public employee,† while serving shareholders and should be directed by those shareholders how to spend their money. However, Friedman acknowledges that managers of corporations, while serving shareholders, are also people in their own right and may have their own social responsibilities that do not always follow those of the owners of the corporation. In that case, if the manager chooses to act based on his own beliefs instead of the direction of the shareholders, he is not performing in the best interests of the shareholders and is â€Å"spending the customers' money. This has a direct financial impact to both customer and employees. This can lead to the managers’ termination as he has not performed as directed by the shareholders by not making as much money as possible. It is also discussed that because â€Å"society is a collection of individuals,† there are individuals that can coerce others to conform to certain social norms and while others may not agree, they can be overruled and then must conform. This then leads to a â€Å"political mechanism† which can regulate how corporations operate and dictate their â€Å"social responsibility,† which, in theory, would extend the cope of the political mechanism. Friedman believes that a political mechanism is not necessary to achieve social responsibility because in a free society, â€Å"there is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engage in open and free competition without deception o r fraud. † One question that can be posed from Friedman’s article is whether shareholders should prioritize the responsibilities that managers have as their agents.While we can acknowledge that shareholders invest in a corporation to make a profit and that managers are hired to maximize those profits, it is the responsibility of the shareholders to provide guidelines to those managers and prioritize his/her responsibilities. While we can assume that the first priority of the shareholders would be to maximize profits for the corporation, subsequent priorities could fall within the guidelines of community outreach, exceeding legal obligations or being environmentally sensitive.If we presume that corporations elect to be â€Å"socially responsible,† we should expect shareholders to provide policies and procedures to their managers. Without these, what responsibility does the manager have outside of maximizing profits? As Friedman suggests, the manager could be compe lled to act on his own beliefs and moral obligations to his community, church or charitable organization. But, since these would be at his discretion, what check and balances would he have with the shareholders? Would he be using money otherwise returned back to the shareholders and supporting organizations that are opposed by the shareholders?Because corporations are established to profit and shareholders invest money with expectations of a greater return, managers cannot be given a directive to be â€Å"socially responsible† without providing specific criteria of checks and balances to which needs to adhere. Therefore, it is imperative to the success of a corporation for managers to not act solely but rather to act within the policies of the shareholders. What Friedman implies is that shareholders should only be concerned with maximizing profits and not be obligated to be â€Å"socially responsible. In that case, the manager would only have one priority, to maximize profit s. However, what if that manager determined that social endeavors is the best option to maximize profits? This would make the corporation socially responsible while still maintaining maximum profits. The argument presented by Friedman in this case is that while the manager is performing as expected by maximizing profits, this type of â€Å"social responsibility is frequently a cloak for actions that are justified on other grounds rather than a reason for those actions. This â€Å"cloak† refers to corporations acting socially responsible but for the sole purpose of making profits rather than performing such endeavors for the sole purpose of benefiting society. An example would be a solar company providing â€Å"free† electricity to a campus in exchange for use land to promote their environmentally aware product. However, what they don’t tell you is that the electricity is being sold back to the power company for a profit. The perception is that the company has a social conscience when in reality it is being done for profits.While I agree with Friedman’s assessment that managers, as employees of shareholders, are responsible for maximizing profits, I disagree that corporations should only comply with governmental policies and should not adopt policies to be socially responsible. At the time Friedman wrote this article, western democracies and communist countries of Europe were in the middle of the Cold War and the idea of a global economy was not as prevalent in society as it is today.Consumers in those countries leaned towards buying locally over buying foreign products. Since the end of the Cold War, consumers have changed purchased habits to buy products from companies, regardless of their country of origin if it were the best product. However, this led to the matter of public opinion towards corporations playing a larger role in how well they integrate themselves into a community or help preserve the environment is a factor in ho w consumers choose to purchase products.For instance, if a company is considered â€Å"green,† it is determined to the environmentally friendly. This would lead consumers who support environmental protection to lead towards purchasing products from that company. Therefore, I believe that corporations take into account public opinion when deciding on whether to enact â€Å"social responsible† measures and that these measures are above and beyond the minimum requirements established by governing agencies.I am also convinced that shareholders, more today than ever, budget funds to contribute to socially acceptable contributions and directing managers how to spend these. It is my opinion that due to public opinion and a global influence on corporations, that a successful free market cannot be judged solely by the financial gain of a corporation, but in conjunction with how these corporations influence positive changes in society.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Find Out Where Killer Whales Live

Find Out Where Killer Whales Live Despite their prevalence in marine parks such as SeaWorld, killer whales (otherwise known as orcas) are a wide-ranging cetacean species in the wild. Learn more about where killer whales live and how they survive. Killer whales are found in all of the worlds oceans. In fact, the Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals states that they are second only to humans as the most widely distributed mammal in the world. You can see a killer whale range map on the IUCN site. These animals seem to prefer cooler waters, but may be found from warm waters around the Equator to polar waters. Orcas may enter semi-enclosed seas, river mouths, and ice-riddled areas, in addition to inhabiting waters far out in the open ocean.You may think they only live in deep oceans, but populations have been recorded living for longer periods of time in only a few meters of water.   The question of where killer whales live is complicated by the fact that there is disagreement over how many species of killer whales there are. Studies on killer whale genetics, physical appearance, diet, and vocalizations have led scientists to believe that there are more than one species (or at least subspecies) of killer whales (you can see a great illustration of the different types of killer whales). Once this question is answered, the habitat for various species may become more defined. SeaWorld notes that there are a few different types of Antarctic killer whales in different regions:  Type A killer whales live offshore in water that does not include ice.Type B orcas live in inshore waters of Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula; large type B near the pack ice; and small type B venture out to more open waters.Type C killer whales inhabit inshore waters and pack ice. They are most commonly found in the eastern Antarctic.Type D orcas reside in deep, subantarctic waters. The whales move around and can migrate based on where their prey goes. Where Orcas Live Areas where killer whales have been well-studied include: The Southern Ocean around AntarcticaThe Pacific Northwest  (where salmon-eating resident orcas, mammal-eating transient orcas, and shark-eating offshore orcas have been identified)AlaskaNorth Atlantic Ocean (Norway, Iceland, Scotland and the Strait of Gibraltar)On more rare occasions they have been seen in waters off of the Bahamas, Florida, Hawaii, Australia, the Galapagos Islands, the Gulf of Mexico, New Zealand, and South Africa.Rarely, they have been seen in freshwater locations.   Killer Whale Living Relationships Within the populations of killer whales in various areas, there may be pods and clans. Pods are long-term units made up of males, females, and calves. Within the pods, there are smaller units called maternal groups, consisting of mothers and their offspring. Above the pods in the social structure are clans. These are groups of pods that associate over time and may be related to each other. Want to see killer whales in the wild? You can get a list of whale watching sites around the world, many of which offer the opportunity to see killer whales.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monte Cristo. What Was His Deal Essays - English-language Films

Monte Cristo. What Was His Deal Essays - English-language Films Monte Cristo. What Was His Deal Erick Sawby Euro Lit Mrs. Shepard Monte or not Monte; that is the question (Said in a deep Shakespearian drawl) Edmund Dantes, a strapping young sailor, was the prime years of his life during the nineteenth century. He was a good person, was well mannered and frankly had a lot of things going for him. He was affianced to the lovely Mercedes, he captained a good ship, the Pharon, and had whom he thought been good friends. It was at this stage in his life, however, that things were about to do a complete turn and take 14 years away from him. His envious shipmates planned to ruin him, overtake his ship, and wed his fianc, so they set him up to be arrested and carried off to the secluded island prison Chateau d If. Little did they know that Dantes was as adamant about survival and revenge as he was about his passionate sailing. After making a brilliant escape off the island, Dantes returned a changed man both mentally and monetarily. He set out to avenge his newfound enemies in quite an extreme fashion. He wanted them to suffer slowly and painfully before they were ruined and he wanted all those who had been good to him to be awarded. Dantes, dressed as The Count of Monte Cristo, forced Ferdinand, whom had wedded Mercedes, to humiliation then suicide. He got to Caderousee through his greed and it is that which eventually gets him killed. For Villefront, The Count reveals information of an illegitimate child who was assumed dead by Villefront years earlier. The child had survived and was marrying into the family. This revelation leads angers him deeply and many deaths occur afterwards. It is almost as if when Dantes returns to France incognito, he has come to judge the good from the bad, in reference to judging the living and the dead. His 14 years of prison represents Jesus suffering of crucifixion, for a crime he did not commit none-the-less. He then comes back as a dark character and points the hand of God upon those who cheated and lied to him in the past. Dantes as a character comes full circle from being a careless sailor, to suffering in an almost hell for no reason, then avenging his 14 year plight with an unstoppable force, then sailing off into the sunset, into a kingdom that will have no end.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free sample - Decision Making. translation missing

Decision Making. Decision MakingPractically every day people are involved in thinking and making decisions, connected with different aspects of our life. We require decision making every day that is why it is very important not to make the mistake and make the correct decision. The process and result of making decisions depend upon different factors that are very important to take into account. Moreover, the ways of making decisions are also very diverse. For instance, someone make the decisions by flipping a coin, taking a guess, considering the thoughts and feelings of others, thinking about   values and beliefs, pros and cons, complying with an assignment declaration, or choosing a solution that has more positive and less negative consequences. In order to comprehend the decision making process, we should look at precisely what goes in that process and apply it to the situation in a real world.   While making the decision, we should always remember about the consequences and the effects it may have on the other persons surrounding us. When we are able peacefully look at all the reasons we have on both sides of the question, it will frequently become rather obvious which side really is accorded with our principles, what will be the best thing to do. Speaking about me, one of the most important decisions that I had to make in my life was entering a higher educational establishment and choosing the best university for me. In this situation, any person, as usual, faces up with the alternative, between entering university or looking for a job. Choosing a college or university is, probably, one of the most important decisions in life of every person, as it is connected with future of life and success. I had to spend a lot of time while picking up information about all the excising universities in the country and in the nearby districts. While making this decision I had to weight all positive and negative outcomes, results and consequences. In this case, assistance of the relatives can become very helpful, as they can give very useful pieces of advice and forward one’s thoughts in the necessary directions. Surely, this process was not lack of troubles and hesitations. First of all, I hesitated about the costs and price for educ ation and did not will I be able to pay my tuition. Then I decided to enter university in any case, whatever difficult it might be, as education is very important in our life. I have chosen the university that completely satisfied my needs and started working hard over the preparation to the entrance exams. Finally, I entered the university and at the moment, I think that it was one of the most successful decisions in my life. Critical thinking is a very popular and helpful way for making decisions. It involves several strategies. I used them while making my decision. The first standard of critical thinking is setting up the goal and the main objective. My main objective was entering the university and choosing the best variant for me. The main problem that I faced up was the cost of tuition. It was one of the main obstacles for me, but after long reflections made the correct decision. The next part of the critical thinking strategy that I used for making my decision is the collection of the information and data. Therefore, I had to make some investigations about the universities in our country to choose the most appropriate variant for me. Unfortunately, this stage takes quite a great amount of time, but it is necessary, as the most important decisions require time and in-depth thinking. Needless to say, that making the decision s the process that should not be conducted in a hurry, as it influences not o nly your life but the life of your surroundings. Finally, when everything was ready, I tried to evaluate all benefits and disadvantages of my decision, trying to foresee the way it can influence my life. To may mind, this is very important while the decision making process, that is why thinking of the consequences is very significant. Therefore, I think that my skills of critical thinking appeared to be very useful for me.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hospitality Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Hospitality Operations Management - Essay Example Intangible factors on the other hand, include branding, image and reputation, innovations, and market position of the business model within the marketplace. Perishability factors are associated with products that can go bad or be destroyed for being poorly stored or for not having been preserved correctly. 1 These factors influence the magnitude of an investment in order to ensure the target goals and operational objectives are met. For instance, the hospitality industry, especially in cases where meals are prepared and offered to vast customer segments, preservation of recipes falls under intangible factors while the ingredients to prepare the meals fall under perishables. To preserve ingredients, investors are required to finance the refrigeration facilities. In order to protect an establishment from corporate espionage, the business model has to consider intangible factors such as patenting of innovation. Lastly, the fact that most business establishments in the hospitability industry deal with different customers; the services offered, such as accommodation and entertainment, require the presence of assets such as rooms, swimming pools, spas, and restaurants. High Valley Hotel seeks to expand its business scope in order to lure and serve more customers as part of a strategy to satisfy the objective of increasing revenue generation as well as the capacity of operations. With reference to the nature of the tangible factors that High Valley Hotel has to consider during the expansion, depreciation and maintenance of the property are among the most vital factors. The establishment seeks to increase the current number of rooms in order to host more clients at any given time since demand continues to increase. However, in the construction of the desired rooms, quality of materials of use as well as the nature of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Civil Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Civil Rights - Essay Example This effort bought significant result in 1946 when busses were not allowed to be segregated any longer while crossing borders. Truman, the president of that time established a committee for the protection of civil rights. Shortly two years later discrimination in military was banned. Because of the fact that the government itself was working on civil rights and awareness was being created, in 1952 there was no unfortunate criminal incident that involved racism since 1881. Two years later government disallowed discrimination at school level. It was a phase shift for the white people to understand and accept the black people in their community. In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give her seat in a public bus to a white man (Willis n.d.). This created issues with the white community and the black people stood up for their rights and called for an actual implementation of all civil rights laws passed in the past. In 1957 the black community selected leader named Dr. Martin King Luther to pres ent their demands to the government. The Little Rock High School did not allow the segregation of children due to which the Supreme Court passed a Bill declaring all such schools as unconstitutional. Then Federal Troops were used in different places to implement the law. Terrorist activities started resulting in bombing and killing black people and their children. The culprits were caught but they were not brought to justice soon. Riots began and people also protested peacefully. The result was that during sixties black people were allowed to vote openly. They also secured the right to marry in different races. Black people were given prominent positions in government offices. During the late 1960’s Martin Luther was assassinated. The fact that a lot of effort has been put to recognize the right of different races in the social and economic situation in the United States of America does not mean that the movement was successful. It is true that there are more black millionair es than there were in the past but the count of black people working is not very significant. This is an indicator that the movement failed and the economic system could not be formed in a way to accommodate equality based on race. In order to understand the plight of the black people in these times, we can assess it through a comparison of the quality of life that an average black child enjoys as compared to the Hispanic white children. The quality of life can be determined on three important parameters: the average income, life expectancy and the chances that a person gets in life. In all these dimensions, black children remain under privileged to date. They are nine times more likely to be a victim of homicide, five times more likely to be dependent on a single parent, mostly their mothers, 4.5 times more likely to live with some guardian, 2 times more chances that they are born to teenage mothers and that their parents have not even finished high school. There are times when peo ple expect more from the civil rights movement to return than they expect. They need to understand that the civil rights protection movement is all about taking the extra privileges from white people that they normally receive due to no other reason but because of their color or race. It is about treating the black community equally and not granting them extra

Organizational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organizational Performance - Essay Example This paper brings out a critical evaluation of Balanced Scorecard models developed by Kaplan and Norton as also the EFQM excellence model promoted by the European Foundation for Quality Management. With a view to measuring a firm's activities in terms of its vision and strategies and to give the manager's a comprehensive view of the performance of a business, a concept which is described as Balanced Scorecard was introduced by Robert S. Kaplan and David Norton in the year 1992. There have been several studies conducted on the subject of Balanced Scorecard to develop the concept further. "The Balanced Scorecard method of Kaplan and Norton is a strategic approach and performance management system that enables the organizations to translate a company's vision and strategy into implementation working from four perspectives." (12 Manage) Measures: Once the objectives are established the next logical step is to identify the proper tools and parameters and define them to measure the organisational's performance towards achieving these objectives. For example the growth in the net margin or the sales in a particular region may well act as the measurement parameters. Targets: When the measurement parameters are established suitable targets need to be evolved to transform the organizational objectives into reality. Achieving a reduction in the manufacturing cost to the extent of 5% annually may be fixed as a target. Initiatives: Proper initiatives in the form of projects of programmes need to be developed as a support for achieving the set targets. If the targets are supported by initiatives, it may not be possible for the organization to achieve its goals. 2.2 FEATURES OF BALANCED SCORECARD: The monitoring of the perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard involves the development and usage of the following features within the broad organizational performance arena. Double-Loop Feedback: It is always essential, in order to exercise a proper control on the performance measures, there need to be data feedback to enable the mangers to determine the cause of variations and identify the processes with significant problems. This would enable the managers to focus their attention on repairing the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The declining incidences of strikes in the United States and some Research Paper

The declining incidences of strikes in the United States and some possible explanations - Research Paper Example To understand the extent and causes of this phenomenon, one needs to leaf through the labor history of this country. Once the European settlements grew in America, notions of prosperity based on agricultural development slowly started to be replaced by the mineral wealth mined out from the earth. Gold and silver became the most coveted attributes and mining expeditions often ended up in looting of ancient civilizations like Aztecs and Incas. The American labour class emerged from the Native Americans who were deprived of their godly havens of Mother Nature and left to toil for a living by this new civilization. (Nicholson, 2004, p.4). Expansion of trade succeeded the crusades of 13, 14 and 15th centuries. America along with the whole world was witnessing the birth of the merchant class, the bourgeoisie. Colonies in Africa were established initially to exploit the rich natural resources but eventually the merchants realized that they could make use of the physical capabilities of the black Africans to further their commercial interests. America started importing African slaves who thereby joined the labour forces of the country. When following the civil war, slavery was finally abolished in 1865, all the free slaves got consolidated into a more visible form of working class. Thus it was the ethnic mix of natives and black slaves that formed the labouring masses of this country. Philip Yale Nicholson, writing on the labour history of USA had noted several historians observing that â€Å"the wealth produced by slavery and slave trade provided the economic foundation for the industrial revolution and that plantation slave labour was the precursor to the property-less industrial working class or proletariat.† (Nicholson, 2004, p.6) The working conditions of the early labourers were so inhuman that the human spirit in them often revolted in the form of â€Å"theft of property, flight into the wilderness or other colonies, rebellions, slowdowns, strikes, mutinies

9.1 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

9.1 Discussion - Essay Example She had invested also in the stock market, promoted herself immensely as a video game programmer and settled down as a lobbyist for her own corporation. While undertaking all these pursuits, Bear rubbed shoulders with materialism. However, it is apparent that eventually, Bear develops misgivings towards the prospects of materialism fulfilling her. Instead, she begins to dabble with the idea of being a high school math teacher. Satisfaction comes from the pursuit and actualization of true purpose in life. Normally, childhood and teenage encounters fuse with an individual’s personality, and thereby helping determine an individual’s true purpose in life. For instance, forces of acculturation and socialization towards societal values are strongest during childhood and adolescence (Mawere, 275). It is not fortuitous that Bear recalls the prospects of being a high school math teacher near where she was raised. Since values transmitted by humans through acculturation and socialization are deeply inculcated into a person’s psychosocial system, it becomes impossible for an individual to walk out on his true purpose in life and remain happy or fulfilled. Thus, absence of happiness or a sense of fulfillment serves as an indicator to incorrect alignment, as far as the pursuit of true purpose goes. Not even the greatest extent of success outside an individual’s true purpose can make up for an individual’s true

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The declining incidences of strikes in the United States and some Research Paper

The declining incidences of strikes in the United States and some possible explanations - Research Paper Example To understand the extent and causes of this phenomenon, one needs to leaf through the labor history of this country. Once the European settlements grew in America, notions of prosperity based on agricultural development slowly started to be replaced by the mineral wealth mined out from the earth. Gold and silver became the most coveted attributes and mining expeditions often ended up in looting of ancient civilizations like Aztecs and Incas. The American labour class emerged from the Native Americans who were deprived of their godly havens of Mother Nature and left to toil for a living by this new civilization. (Nicholson, 2004, p.4). Expansion of trade succeeded the crusades of 13, 14 and 15th centuries. America along with the whole world was witnessing the birth of the merchant class, the bourgeoisie. Colonies in Africa were established initially to exploit the rich natural resources but eventually the merchants realized that they could make use of the physical capabilities of the black Africans to further their commercial interests. America started importing African slaves who thereby joined the labour forces of the country. When following the civil war, slavery was finally abolished in 1865, all the free slaves got consolidated into a more visible form of working class. Thus it was the ethnic mix of natives and black slaves that formed the labouring masses of this country. Philip Yale Nicholson, writing on the labour history of USA had noted several historians observing that â€Å"the wealth produced by slavery and slave trade provided the economic foundation for the industrial revolution and that plantation slave labour was the precursor to the property-less industrial working class or proletariat.† (Nicholson, 2004, p.6) The working conditions of the early labourers were so inhuman that the human spirit in them often revolted in the form of â€Å"theft of property, flight into the wilderness or other colonies, rebellions, slowdowns, strikes, mutinies

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Educational Website Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Educational Website Evaluation - Research Paper Example Before healthcare professionals recommend any websites to patients, the must make sure of the quality of content and information is accurate to serve the purpose. Based on the given references, â€Å"accuracy† is a key factor to check the sources for content. The information may also come from more than one source. If the information comes from a reputed source, then it is good to use. For example, websites like gives users ample information on health topics. Within the site one can find links that provide information in details on recent outbreaks in the country, health and safety topics related to all diseases. Accuracy of particular site deals with the updating of the site, the quality of language, authentication of the site, appropriate links within the site, etc. In CDC on the home page itself the visitors can view â€Å"Health and Safety Topics† that takes them to a vast array of information on various diseases and prevention methods. They can also get A-Z information on all health topics as each topic is provided with featured links and sub-topics making the information easily accessible. For example, the â€Å"heart disease† topic will give the visitors links for coronary artery disease, symptoms and recommendations. However, relying on the internet for health information is a risky proposition as one cannot blindly believe on all the sites. Many times, people end up with websites giving them irrelevant or false information. Fortunately, the users can verify the contents of CDC and it is accurate. Regular users of internet can easily identify the genuineness of this website. While searching for right health information few aspects needs to be considered. These include whether the site is authorized, does it ask for personal information or whether it makes unbelievable claims. It is also desirable to check the â€Å"About Us† page of the site for finding the answers about the questions relating to the promoters of the sites. To a certain extent, the â€Å"site map† can also be helpful. In the â€Å"About Us† page of CDC one can get to know about CDC organization, mission and vision, their training and education and how they are connected with social media. These points are enough to answer the authorization of the site. Second factor is the author of the website, who must have â€Å"verifiable credentials† (Website Evaluation Guide, n.d., p.1). The author must be easily accessible through e-mail address or other contact details provided on the site. CDC gives the users the complete postal address and how to contact the owner through twitter and FaceBook – CDC tweets and CDC FaceBook Posts. Evaluating health websites is impossible without authorization and details of sponsor. When a person checks on the authority, two important things must be noted such as (a) why the site is created and (2) which sponsor runs the site? If the site is making unwanted claims to the u ser that means the site does not have a sponsor or proper author. If one takes the example of the earlier mentioned site he or she can find that the site is run by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In the â€Å"About CDC† page of the site, there is a link for â€Å"CDC 24/7† which gives you information on how â€Å"CDC officials† work with other health care providers to spread health awareness. This provides clear details of who runs the site and what is its purpose. Another important

Industralization after Civil War Essay Example for Free

Industralization after Civil War Essay After the Civil War, the United States became much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways, transforming it into a modern industrial society but also created problems for the American people. Three major improvements that contributed to the United States economy were the railroads, factories and immigration. Railroads during the period of the industrial revolution were good throughout the north and were supported by the federal government to help build the north into achieving a prosperous economy. The railroads made transportation of goods and products easy, cheap and reliable. The steel industry made the expansion of the railroads possible and by the 1900’s, Carnegie made great contributions to the business world, enabling railroads to connect to seaports, cities and industrial centers. Urbanization and Immigration began around the 1870 and the 1920’s. Immigrants migrated to cities like New York, Chicago and Boston. Approximately 25 million people migrated to the U.S and they contributed to the growth of the cities and new technologies. They worked low- paying factory jobs and overcrowded neighborhoods, moving the middle class out of their communities (Shultz, 2014). While great accomplishments took place during this period, it also affected different people like African Americans, Farmers, Children, Women and Immigrants. African Americans faced many challenges in terms of freedom and acceptance from the old to the new south. In the old south, they were slaves working day and night with no rights. After the civil war, during the reconstruction their lives improved, being freed with rights such as the 14th- and 15th amendments that granted them citizenship and the right to vote. However in the â€Å"New South† their rights seemed meaningless because of the Jim Crow laws, violence and the lack of their voting rights. The Jim Crow laws they prohibited them from attending the same schools as whites and sitting in the same areas in restaurants, which increased the racism of  blacks and whites. Children were also affected while this time due to the high demand for them to work in factories was great. Many children started at the age 14, but would be hired form age 6, who usually worked tedious long hours. By the end of the 1800’s, child labor laws were passed, but employers ignored the laws, and the number of child factory workers increased (Shultz, 2014). Children were great at doing this task because they accepted low pay, didn’t complain about the wages, and were able to fit in small in cracks that the average man and women couldn’t do. The economy of the south wasn’t very strong due to the fact, profits were made because l abor was unpaid, and the limited crops planted were cotton, tobacco and sugar. Some of the natural resources of the south included farmland, water power, steam power coal, iron and oil. Agriculture was the primary source of employment; while textiles and steel industries became prosperous in the south after the civil war (Weightman, 2007). Many sharecroppers faced hardships and sharecropping became unprofitable for workers because they were uneducated, and cheated by the landowners that owned the supplies. Fresh produce began to be in great demand once refrigerated railcars were introduced. References Ashton, T.S. The Industrial Revolution: 1760-1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Schultz, Kevin: 2014 U.S History since 1865 Volume 11: pg. 291, 311-320 Weightman, Gavin. The Industrial Revolutionaries: The Making of the Modern World, 1776-1914. New York: Grove Press, 2007.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Self Appraisal for Career Development

Self Appraisal for Career Development Introduction Professional development is essential to career progression. Since todays working environment is becoming increasingly more complex, professionals face the challenge of managing the knowledge of multiple disciplines and systems and the ever changing interrelationships between them. There are a range of methods for managing professional development and it is important from both a professional and personal perspective to ensure that efforts are effective. The report below includes some of the methods used by a section manager who works for Selfridges department store. Task 1 Personal and Carrier Development Self Appraisal Self appraisal is an essential part of the Performance appraisal process where the employee able to gives the feedback of day to day activities by himself or his views and points regarding his performance. Usually this is done with the help of a self appraisal form where the employee rates himself on various parameters, tells about his training needs, if any, talks about his accomplishments, strengths, weaknesses, problems faced etc. Most of the performance management systems use self appraisals as one of its key processes. The main benefit of the self appraisal system is that even though it is not formal in every organisation, it provides an excellent foundation to the employees performance review. On the other hand it allows the management to understand the employees impression about the organisation and take decisions of his or her career progress. However there are some limitations in this method as well. Primarily it doesnt help employee to create an influential brand for him or herself that will stick in the mind of the boss. Employee needs to use the appraisal process to influence the boss to think about him or her in terms of the key capabilities/attributes that make him or her special and effective. Self Appraisal for a Sales Assistant Job information Employee: Michael Didenko Company: Selfridges Department store Position Title: Section Manager Review Period: three months from induction Office: London Oxford street branch Department: Mens Section: Mens Products Report to: Department Manager (Roger Newell) Job descriptions and responsibilities There are four main areas included in this role. Firstly Sales and provision of service which includes Receives and approaches clients, Leads a sales discussion, continues to ask questions to discover customer needs and receives complaints or is involved in it. Secondly Receipt and processing of goods where responsibilities of receiving and storing of goods involves as well as management of inventory. Thirdly, concluding of sales transactions which include Making the cash point and system ready to use and managing the point of sale system and most importantly the management of employee activities including the leading of team towards greater performance, recruiting, allocating work tasks, supervising, motivating and liaising with other managers. Specify ways that you feel you met or exceeded job requirements and any reasons why. Can be satisfies as the questioning of customers in order to determine the needs of customers came up with positive feedback. Store managed to create special customised services using the findings of myself. Became the section of the department which has done highest sales in two consecutive weeks after two months of starting job. I feel that our sections customer service in a good level as for the last three month period I have received no complaints but 11 mentioned compliments. Specify the ways that you feel you did not meet job requirements and any reasons why. Sometimes it feels hard to meet up company promotional policy due to personal marketing attitude. Still not excellent in inventory due the large variety. In what specific areas would you like to improve your job performance? Inventory Management techniques Presentation skills Quality of the retail management Team working List the steps you would like to take to improve your preparation for future opportunities. Get involved in the performance workshops Use the company training and development criteria effectively Learn retail management independently What job-related goals would you like to accomplish in the next 12 months? Get excellent inventory management skills. Trained to become a Department supervisor. Soon after finish the degree, get selected to the company graduate scheme. List additional items you would like to discuss. Would like to know about the goods ordering system for the entire deparmrnt and womans department of the company as a career development. Sample Curriculum Vitae Personal profile Young, dynamic BA Undergraduate seeking a career leads to management and administration. Good team worker who enjoys learning via experience. Keen to develop skills in all aspects of life and will work hard to achieve the desired goals. Able to work on own initiative or as part of a team and can deal with administrative duties competently. Employment record 2008 To Date: Selfridges Department Store Section Sales Manager Keeping up with key trends and have the confidence to suggest alternatives as well as maximising sales of cooperating brands. This is a great opportunity for Dealing with merchandising standards and deliveries, embracing teamwork, effective communication and supporting the retail management team. 2005 2008: Marriott Hotel, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire Front Office Colleague Managed and provided front of house services including reception, meeting room hospitality and key administration functions in a fast moving environment. This position has given a great opportunity to deliver the highest levels of customer service and professionalism to employees and visitors. 2003- 2005: Fenwicks Ltd, Brent Cross, London- Customer Service Advisor Served at the frontline, represented the service and brand values to an excellent and consistent level for the customers. Had an excellent knowledge of maximizing sales potential through the effective day-to-day management of the relationship with customers from initial sales enquiry, through to order and delivery. This position has greatly developed my communication skills and how to deal with customers efficiently and accurately. Educational Qualifications 2008-2010: BA (Hones) Business Management University of Sunderland The course covered an in-depth study of management theories and practice. In addition over the three year period it emphasises abilities to organise, monitor, control and develop best practice in the management of organisations whilst providing a thorough understanding of the business environment. Major study areas include, Managing Projects Marketing Strategies Strategic Management of People Financial Management Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Strategic Management Additional Skills Excellent experiences in Team work since the college period. Good communication skills through oral and visual presentations. Remarkable computer skills, including information management. Good at being responsible since college. Experienced in several social fieldwork and Charity Work Interests, Activities Other Information Member of the Cancer Society in UK. Member of the College swimming team, prefects guild and athletic squad Enjoy travelling, music and time out with friends as opportunity for new experience and meeting new people. Personal Development Plan DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE STAGES INVOLVED PROPOSED ACTIONS TO BE ACHIEVED BY RESOURCES REQUIRED Supervisory/section management skills  · Authority  · Responsibility  · Delegation  · Communication  · Time management Increase the management skills in order to ease the decision making process, actions can be taken as use training courses, delivering training to other staff, professional reading and shadowing management staff. 1 year * Organisational training scheme * Skills audit with the help of Department Manager * Other learning resources * Management Meetings Promotional Knowledge  · Sales and marketing  · Pricing  · Promotion  · Customer service  · Product and environment Can use training courses, consumer analysis, marketing analysis, management programmes, delegate with the staff on marketing perspective and knowledge of the similar sections 6 months 1 Marketing / Promotional Policy 2 Professional marketing courses 3 Customer feedbacks 4 Training modules Inventory knowledge  · First in first out  · Last in first out  · Average cost Training courses, understanding organisational statements, always involve in stock calculation, one to one discussions with higher management and knowledge of the ordering and sales of the section. 6 months 5 Stock management courses 6 Income and cash flow statements 7 Inventory policy 8 Order document 9 Stock calculation documents Interpersonal skills  · Communication/Interview skills  · Relationships  · Personal impact  · Conflict management Training courses, start of the day team talks, extra activities, build up strong relationships with supervisors and staff and be passionate. 3 month 10 Self Appraisal 11 Training courses 12 Professional reading materials Task 2 Evaluate Progress Evaluating progress is essential to staying on target. The Evaluation results and information gathered during the formal review process is used by many organizations to create new action plans, identify best practices, and set new performance goals. Most of the organisations urge its employees to have personal or pre structured evaluation reports in order keep track of their progress. In this way employees can simplify their way forward on achieving planned targets. This procedure work well in Selfridges and sample evaluation plan for the section manager in mens department is given below. Skill Evaluation Revision Management Skills Section manager development programme is completed and found very effective. Delivering the training to the staff found slightly difficult as very experienced workers have more skills than young managers. Other sections management is very helpful. Need to have more briefings. More management training will provide successful background. Aim: Assist to become the best department consecutively. Promotional Knowledge Market and consumer analysis is undergoing successfully. Yet it is still hard to make a impact on the overall promotions. Ideas of the sale staff and the theories of the marketing staff clash often. More marketing knowledge needed as a section manager. Regular sales promotions will be needed in the section. Aim: To make mens products section more popular in the whole store. Inventory Knowledge Inventory knowledge is increasing slowly but steadily. It seems that this problem is more personal due to the new arrivals and the amount of variety. Stock control is successful so far. Need to concentrate harder. Revising inventory reports will be helpful. Aim: Reduce wastage level of the section to a minimum. Interpersonal Skills Personally satisfied with the time relationships and the conflict management although if try harder can gain maximum out of the more experienced workers. Professional management course is undergoing. Communication should is not directed to the correct receiver several times. Have to maintain a clear communication policy. Team effort should be maximised. Aim: Create one of the best teams of the entire chain. Above evaluation plan is a single review of the ongoing processes depending on the personal development plan. Carrying out a regular reviewing process will assist to enhance the overall output in order to reach the set objectives. Some of the methods can be used are given below. Regular Observations Monthly action plans Weekly customer questioners Staff questioners at least at least every three months Progress reports Annual health checks There are many methods that different organisations use. Given examples above the once that Selfridges regularly use. Task 3 Interpersonal and Transferable Business Skills Problem recognition Lack of Motivation among the employees of Mens products section can be identified as one of the leading problem of the department. If this condition is not reasonably identified and solved properly, it can be spread to the other departments of the store and made an impact on the competitive advantage of the whole company. Analysis After recognising the problem, before finding the solution it is wise step to analyse the background of the problem. There are many reasons to the of motivation in the department. The company is well known for the employment of young energetic people, however there are many experienced people working among them from a long period. Most of this people are almost elderly people and some of them are working as supervisors. Comparing to the young and new starters these experienced people has high knowledge but lack of motivation due several reasons such as, Being unable to see future reward Lack of need Being indifferent Not having plans and Feeling depressed After carefully analysing the reasons it is clear that these matters of should be answered correctly in order to reduce the division of the team and motivate every single employee to gain a sales increase. Solutions In some companies the new starters have lack of motivation due to low ability although in Selfridges it can be clearly seen that the problem is among the well experienced staff. This is surely a major threat however solutions are not that hard. The most important step is to create enjoyable working conditions. This has to be done by the management with the close involvement of the staff. Some social events can bring up the whole department together and can renew the relationships among them self. Creating small sub groups within the department with a mixture of old and new staff and empower them as well as reward the groups will bring the motivation in to a new level. At the same time experienced staff should be rewarded at every possible time to boost up their working energy and to give a good example to the new starters. On the other hand the management should admire these experienced staff every time while setting up goals for them to lead the new staff. This can be seen as a recr eating a team to increase the productivity. Communication within the department In any organisation People have a basic need to know what is going on around them. Employees need to feel comfortable that their managers will share relevant information with them about the company, and about their performance and position within the organization. Having a properly described communication plan with clear channels will make this whole effort much easier and important information will pass easily. The communication strategy within the mens products section is fairly clear in Selfridges and normally exert in three levels within the section managers role. Communication between the section staff and the section manager and supervisors Link between the other section managers Departmental level and higher level management communication. At the first level communication mediums are much straight forward and sometimes informal. Most of the day to day businesses delivered verbally or orally between small groups of members of the staff. Majority of these messages are face to face and section manager is always clear about the actions. It is much easier because the communicated messages can be always adjusted at this level and therefore can be delivered effectively. Section manager uses his interpersonal skills to create an excellent social and work background to facilitate the smooth running of the sections aspects. On the other hand, the second level which connects the fellow section managers and line managers together is not simple as the first one. Although the members of this level share similar characteristics among them there are situations that communication may fail due to the different responsibilities. However again at this levels more face to face and telephone methods are used to communicate which makes easier environment to get linked. Thirdly the department and higher level management communication is different from both of the levels above. At departmental level oral and written communication levels are used more regularly because of the distance between the parties are low. Very high communicative and interpersonal required at this level but different from the first level because the section managers interpersonal skills level represent the entire sections reputation within the department. Communication within the other departments and the higher management will be happening under one way or two way systems most of the times. This Part of the procedure is much formal than any other level therefore very high and clear interpersonal levels will be needed. Time Management Every minute spent in mistaken or incorrect way is a time that effects negatively on the productivity. In any company managing the time of its tasks is a major requirement, as carefully planned schedule will ease the day to day and future responsibilities. In addition managing the time effectively will reduce stress levels of the employees, improve their well-being, and increase focus on the job and productivity. Yet many people in the section managers position often run out of time due the low time management skills. Some of the points given below can be used as good time management strategies. Create a Monthly Schedule Asses and plan the work load each week Adjust the plan everyday Evaluate the plan regularly By looking at above four strategies it might feel that monthly schedule will not be enough to plan and assist the companys strategic objectives. However by planning the time monthly basis and braking down to smaller tasks will help to keep track record easily and concentrate on every responsibility. Task 4 Self Managed Learning Learning Learning at Work gives the opportunity to individually alter a route to a more recognised level using the tasks that complete as part of the current role, so both the person and business benefit. It is an important professional experience which uses a unique framework and work-based projects while giving the chance to interact with other work colleagues unlike academic learning. Learning benefits the section mangers position in many ways. Some of them are, Assessing current work practices and relevant industry experience Evaluating personal, professional and career objectives. Identifying the strategic directions and priorities of the employer Negotiating your own learning plan Organising work-based projects Recording progress and achievements All these benefits can be achieved by using three different methods of learning experiences which are, Learning from the current job Learning through experience and Learning through skills and knowledge Learning Cycle and learning Styles Traditionally, learning has been associated with reading books, attending courses and lectures, etc. However in this fast moving world it has been realised that , learning should be more durable and lifelong and therefore much logical systems should be used. Learning cycle can be identified as an illustration of a engaging and integrating learning methods so that it affects not only thinking but also the behaviour. Many philosophers have explained many learning cycles although the one that David Kolb published in 1984 the most popular. Kolbs learning cycle is illustrated below and explained. Kolb identifies four different stages of the learning cycle as below. Concrete Experience The cycle starts with doing something in which the individual, team or organisation are allocated a task. Key to learning therefore is active participation. Reflective Observation In this stage the person who actually on the learning cycle stepping back from doing and reviewing what has been done and experienced. Abstract Conceptualisation At this stage the learner makes comparisons between what they have done, reflect upon and what they already know. Active Experimentation The final stage of the learning cycle is when the learner considers how they are going to put what they have learnt into practice. In other words it is a way of planning. According to Kolb different people naturally prefer a certain single different learning style. Furthermore he identifies four different styles as below. Diverging Divergers take experiences and think deeply about them, thus moves away from a single experience to multiple possibilities. Assimilating Assimilators greatest strength lies in the ability to create theoretical models. Ideas and concepts are more important than people and require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity. Converging Converger likes finding practical uses for ideas and theories, evaluating consequences and selecting solutions. Again this type of learner does not prefer interpersonal situations or people connections, instead they like technical uses. Accommodating This learner uses trial and error rather than thought and reflection. He is good at adapting to changing circumstances and get on well with the people. Honey and Mumford styles of learning illustrate the same actions as above however the names they used are different. The similarity can be given as below. Activist = Accommodating Reflector = Diverging Theorist = Assimilating Pragmatist = Converging Presentation Using the Personal Development Plan The presentation slides given below is an explanation of the development objectives given in the personal development plan. In other words they can be identified as the learning tasks which lie among the learning styles. These presentation slides are very useful to submit progress to the higher management and delivering training to the staff. Conclusion Professional development is an important and very useful part of a managers career. Managers must be aggressive and focused in their objectives for professional development. In addition it is their duty to keep the reputation of their position by using different learning systems that are already available. Carefully managed professional development process can be identified as the key aspect of any managers career. The report undertook above was an independent document of a section managers personal and professional development criteria. Bibliography David Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development (1984), FT Prentice Hall Grainger, P., Managing People: Your Self-development Action Plan (1994), Kogan Page Parsole, E. Coaching and Mentoring: Practical Methods to Improve Learning (2000), Kogan Page Hayes, J. Interpersonal Skills at Work (2002), Routledge (NY) HNC/HND Course Book

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Life Death And Continuous Chan :: essays research papers

Life, Death, and Continuous Change   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Three themes prevalent in Terry Wolverton’s Mystery Bruise) What is this that takes the immoral, the wicked, and the weak? What is this that takes the righteous and the strong. We have referred to it as our end, departure, extinction, impending doom, eternal rest, last sleep, and most certainly our final summons -at least, as far as known life is concerned-. The Bible has named it, â€Å"the latter end†. Shakespeare has called it â€Å"the journey’s end† and â€Å"a knell that summons thee to heaven or hell†. The dark side, as Pink Floyd relates to it, is a prevailing aspect of our lives. No matter how one refers to death, three things are certain: First, it is inevitable. Second, it will happen to everyone. Third, it needs life to occur and yet is in opposition to it. Because of death holding it’s shadow to the divine spark of life, it is obvious that whenever a person talks of death they invariably talk of life. True to this statement are Terry Wolverton’s poems in Mystery Bruise. Her poems embrace aspects of life as she sees it and almost all of these â€Å"dancing insights† mention death. In addition to death running hand and hand with life is the concept of continuous change. Wolverton mentions change and human’s inability to accept it. I believe that living beings are weary of change because like death it requires entrance into a land of uncertainty. The poem â€Å"We Resist Evolution† approaches this ideology of change. Wolverton opens the poem by stating that every living thing resists evolution. She writes about the cell that refuses to split, â€Å"the shapeless blind-eyed swimmers who did not long to crawl or breathe†, and her metamorphosis in a woman-like body. The changes/evolutions depicted in this poem all deal with death and life as well. It’s obvious that she mentions living things and their metamorphosis’ but maybe not so obvious is the inherent fact that with every metamorphosis a death occurs-that is the death of the old to make the new. Midway through the piece Terry Wolverton addresses the reluctance of the dinosaur to it’s demise. She also mentions our denial of death and the ironic acceptance of our life in it’s clammy hands, saying that â€Å"Even at the moment of death we back away, tread air against the light that beckons, clutch at our particular plot of dust†.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Poems of Edgar Allan Poe Essay

A tell-tale heart – essay The gradual descent into insanity is a common characteristic of Edgar Allan Poe as an auteur. This being one of Poe’s shortest stories separates itself from his other literature as it draws its focus onto the irony of the stalking, and confession of the murder of an old man. ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ explores the mind of a mentally unstable and delusional individual on his descent to madness. In doing so the short story touches upon the contrasts between the rational and irrational. The ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ presents two physical settings. It is clear from the narrator’s perspective that there is a change of setting. â€Å"Observe how healthily – how calmly I can tell you the whole story†, the narrator then continues, â€Å"It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain†. This passage indicates that the story that is narrated, is told in retrospect. The passage can be interpreted as being the narrator attempting to justify his murder and convince the reader that he is not mad as he can tell the story calmly and sanely. The passage can also be perceived as being directed towards the police officers that are introduced at the end of the story. In doing so the narrator might also try to convince the police officers that his deed was justified and necessary. The theme of insanity is shown through the narrators descend into madness. The narrator states that â€Å"very gradually – I made up my mind to take the life of the old man† which marks the beginning of his descent. It is made clear to the recipient of the story that the narrator believes he is sagacious in his lurking. However, the narration gives the impression that he is a madman. The narrator says â€Å"I undid the lantern cautiously-oh, so cautiously – cautiously† and also says â€Å"I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily† and â€Å"you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily†. The narrator’s reiterations present a sort of vocal tic which adds to his characteristic of being mentally unstable and mad. The story explores the contrasts between the rational and irrational. The theme of rationality is shown through the narrator’s attempts to rationalize his actions. The premise of the narrator’s suffocation of the old man is the ‘evil eye’ he has. Whenever the narrator gazes at the â€Å"dull blue† eye he experiences chills through â€Å"the very marrow† in his bones. This suggests that the old man’s eye terrifies him. It does, however, seem very unlikely that the old man has an inhuman eye â€Å"no human eye – not even his†. The rational explanation for the appearance of the eye that the narrator is fixated about, is that the old man is suffering from cataract. The disease bears a close resemblance to the eye of a vulture. This is proven by the narrator’s very similar description of the eye’s â€Å"pale blue, with a film over it† and â€Å"a dull blue, with a hideous veil†. This can also explain why the old man is never woken up or is disturbed by having the light shone into his â€Å"evil eye†. This is because he might be lacking vision in one eye. The narrator attempts to convince the reader that he is cunning and wise when observing the old man in his bed. The narrator’s irrational nature is emphasized in this passage where he very slowly enters the bedroom with only his head and lantern â€Å"It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed†. The use of irony in the short story adds to the narrator’s complete unawareness of his own instability expressed through his lack of rational perception. The narrator contradicts himself implicitly. He states that he â€Å"loved the old man† and that â€Å"he had never wronged me†. This implies that he had no quarrels with the old man and therefore had no motivation for murdering him. He then contradicts himself by being excited by the old man’s â€Å"uncontrollable terror†. The theme of irony is also shown when the narrator hears the old man’s â€Å"groan of mortal terror† and recognizes the feeling. The narrator â€Å"knew the sound well†, he had experienced them himself being â€Å"welled up from my own bosom, deepening, with its dreadful echo, the terrors that distracted me†. This can be interpreted as the narrator explaining that he suffers from terrors which indicates that he has been or is feeling fear to the marrow of his bones and has experienced something horrific. This is also supported by the symbolism of the narrator burying the old man underneath the floorboards, which can be interpreted as him repressing his emotions and hiding them and then eventually being welled up when he confesses the murder. However, it is vaguely explained and remains a mystery to the readers. This corresponds well with the characteristic of the narrator which is only described implicitly. The narrator’s gender is not revealed. This might be because the gender of the narrator is not important to the story and that Edgar Allan Poe has written the story in such a way that the common reader assumes the gender of the narrator to be male. The most prominent ironic situation is the narrator’s own sagaciousness and over-acuteness that end up being the reasons for his confession to the police officers. His own hypersensitivity betrays him. This also supports his irrationality as he had confirmed the death of the old man when he felt his heart. He is however still convinced that the beating heart belongs to the â€Å"stone dead† man. This also shows his descent into madness as he perceives the noise as being a ringing in his ears, but then convinces himself that it is â€Å"the beating† of the old man’s â€Å"hideous heart†. He contradicts himself in this passage where he has previously described himself as cunning but is unable to correctly identify the source of the beating heart. ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ is a story that largely focuses on the inability of the narrator to judge his own state of sanity. This is further supported by the narrator frequently being deceived by his own senses and even contradicting himself which diminishes his reliability. The topic of repressed emotions and the border between sanity and insanity is addressed by interpreting the narrator’s behavior and actions. This determines that the narrator is indeed a madman.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Brand Update: Cadbury Dairy Milk For Shubh Aarambh Essay

Cadbury’s Dairy Milk has recently launched a new campaign † Shubh Aarambh† ( meaning Auspicious Beginning ). The campaign is the refined version of the earlier Payday campaign which evoked mixed response from the Ad analysts and consumers. The Shubh Aarambh campaign reinforces the occasion based positioning of Dairy Milk. The brand has been trying to position itself as a symbol of enjoyment and celebrations. Indians have the tradition of sharing sweets on auspicious occasions and also when one initiates a venture/activity. Whether the activity is small like writing an exam or huge like starting a company, sharing of sweets is an integral part of the event. The belief is that good things happen when one starts a venture on a positive note ( like sharing sweets). Dairy Milk very cleverly captured this tradition and incorporated into its brand story. The new campaign takes the brand to the center of this tradition linking Dairy Milk to Sweet and Auspicious Beginning. While the previous PayDay campaign was a narrow interpretation of the occasion based positioning , Shubh Aarambh has given the brand a broad playing ground. In my opinion, the brand has hit upon a really great Big Idea. The concept is very much Indian and offers huge opportunity for creatives to weave great stories for the brand. Watch the launch ad here : Shubh Aarambh The concept also gels with the brand’s tagline † Kuchch Meetha Ho Jaye â€Å". The launch campaign is targeted at younger generation and hence the brand added a little humor and twist into the campaign. Shubh Aarambh is a great idea for this great brand. It will be interesting to see how Dairy Milk milks this idea to the fullest.