Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Industry project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Industry project - Assignment Example Women are expected by culture to remain home and respect their husbands (Shallal, 2011.They also expressed that they felt nervous to work in places that were highly male dominated. In addition, with oil discovery, women have highly expressed reluctance in jobs since their husbands provide everything. It is out of these demands following the career woman in UAE that made them highly dissatisfied with their work. In fact, women exhibited conflicting preferences when it came to working and home chores and usually resulted to absenteeism, poor turn over as well as deteriorated health. According to Les & Baruch, various aspects hindered employees in dispensing their duties. These challenges added to employee dissatisfaction or demoralization in the Middle East. One of the challenges included corruption as well as political interference in the public domain. Moreover, the Organizations in the Middle East were to blame for employee dissatisfaction owing to meager salaries offered as well as unsuitable working conditions in the public sector. Other reason for the employee dissatisfaction was owing to the fact that there were no reward mechanisms to recognize the employee’s efforts. Many employees also did not comprehend their jobs and were very confused with what to do. In addition, the employees did not comprehend what their supervisor’s role was in the work place and their leaders would. The other challenge projected was that the public sector did not offer frequent training to its workers and this made them perform badly. Moreover, Alabdelkarim, Muftah & Hodgson study was an interesting study concerning employee dissatisfaction. The study explained the concept of emiratisation whereby the government offered jobs to the locals who had the required skills. On the other hand, the private sector did not employ locals out of the belief that they were under skilled

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