Friday, August 16, 2019

Application of relevant principles and values Essay

In this assignment I will be writing a report explaining how the application of relevant principles and values will allow professionals to provide holistic support for individuals, such as John and Amina, who use social services. Empowerment- Empowerment means giving individuals a good amount of information regarding themselves so that they are able to have a say in decision making and choices about their own life. This is what is happening in John’s life as he very happy remaining in his own council flat even though it would make much sense for him to be put into a care home, where he can be cared for at all times but his decision is that he wants to live on his own he will not be forced to do anything but he can only receive information that he needs about things that he can do whenever he is ready. This benefits John in the way that it will lift his self-esteem. Making him feel empowered will make him feel that his say matters and that his thoughts and feelings are not bein g ignored. it will make him feel as if he is being respected and still considered as a responsible human being. As for the professional staff supporting him, enabling John to feel empowered may make them feel like they are enhancing productivity and collaboration by working together with him. It may give them a sense of shared purpose. Promotion of choice- This is encouraging that all individuals need to be able to select, either independently or with assistance, things like options and activities which are specifically for them. Choice can be promoted by explaining to the individual what is important to them and might not be to others. In Amina’s case she wants to study at university and this is her own choice and something that she really wants to do and no one can stop her from wanting that. Promotion of rights- This would be acknowledging and respecting somebody’s individuality. This includes confidentiality, discrimination, age and race. John seems as if he isn’t having problems concerning his rights because his neighbours seems to be trying their best to help him instead of discriminating against or seeing him as annoying because of his age. The promotion of choice and rights will benefit Amina because she will feel as if she is being acknowledg ed and that the steps are taken regarding her health are entirely up to hers and that she is not just going by what other people think. It also means that Amina can say or do what she wants and is entitled and not feel as if it is okay because she has  already been told that she will not be judged or ridiculed. This will make carers feel satisfied in knowing that they are doing their job right and being fair to the service user. Recognition of service users- This is just recognising a vulnerable person’s preferences. if this is acknowledged it makes working together easier. individuals like John may wish to state his preferences regarding the type of support that he wishes to receive, such as if a carer comes to his house on certain days of the week to check on him however he might not be comfortable with this being every day. The benefit of this is that it may give John the sense that he is still living independently despite of all the help that he may be receiving. It is important that he is not made to feel like everyone is making a big deal over him. It is important that he feels he is still allowed to stay in control of his daily life and activities. Carers may benefit from this by feeling like their job is made easier because if John is feeling independent the chances are that he will be a pleasure to work with. Involvement of individuals in planning their support- This is a person-centred approach to care. This means that care is focused on the individual to ensure that independence and autonomy are promoted. Care workers should not make decisions without discussing and consulting the individual which is involved. For example, John wouldn’t suddenly be informed that he is being moved into a care home without his own consent. Both John and the care worker benefit from this because they engage in conversation. John benefits out of this because, he is stating what he really wants as this is all about him, his interests and abilities so this means they have his best interest at heart and will provide him with what he is asking for. The care worker may benefit from this because collecting this information will help them long term as they are finding out things about John which they may have never really need. Respect for religious beliefs, moral beliefs, values and care- There is a diverse range of backgrounds in Britain and this means there is a wide range of behaviours and beliefs which should be recognised and valued. Living and working in a culturally and socially diverse society can benefit us because we are exposed to many different kinds of people and we learn from them and enjoy the things that they may have to share. For example, Amina would benefit if she was to be sent a duty social worker originally from South Africa and she may really get along with him/her  because they might always tell great stories about South Africa and its wildlife and in turn the social worker may enjoy hearing Aminas stories about where and how she grew up, she would enjoy these visits from social services and would probab ly feel less like she is being interrogated all the time. This benefits both Amina and the duty social worker because they are both socialising and may gain new found interests. Anti-discriminatory practice- Discrimination is caused by prejudice and that leads to negative behaviour. It is to treat someone differently because of their class or background without regard to the individual. Examples include, social, racial, religious, sexual, disability, ethnic and age related discrimination. There is also a danger of stereotyping or making assumptions about people because of the above factors, for example people may stereotype against an individual like John because he is older. The anti-discriminatory practice benefits John because it means that he doesn’t have to worry about being discriminated against. The anti-discriminatory practice makes sure that an individual like John doesn’t suffer from discrimination which means that his physical and psychological needs are not being ignored as discrimination leads to stress which coul d make his dementia worse. The care worker benefits from this because it means that there is less risk of John’s health deteriorating. Holistic approach- This would be considering all of a person’s needs and providing opportunities for the needs to be met. This includes physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. Even though Amina has enough physical needs, this should not be the only thing that is being paid attention to. Perhaps her social well-being should also be acknowledged , this can be done by social workers suggesting things to her such as clubs where she can be involved in playing chess with her peers every once or twice a week. This would benefit Amina because it will mean that her mind will work better for a reasonable amount of time and it means that not only one part of her whole self is being considered. This will make the care worker feel as if they are doing their job properly because providing care for Aminas PIES means taking care of her as a whole. Working in partnersh ip- This would be different health and social care agencies working together. Sharing good practice contributes to the support of vulnerable individuals. For example, when it comes to supporting John, the social worker and the doctor need to work together in order to share ideas  and suggestions regarding John’s health support plan. This benefits John because many people working together to provide care for him means that there will be more options for him since everyone has a say and there are more suggestions for him. This benefits the care worker because they are not working on their own, they have others to help them out and share each other’s ideas, that some people on their own wouldn’t have been able to put together. A multi-disciplinary/inter-agency approach- This is different professions and services co-operating so that certain problems are avoided when planning support. Different options can be considered and resources can be offered to be included in the support plan in order for things to run smoothly for individuals like John, they may arrange to refer him to local authorities and various organisations such as age concern in order for him to receive the best support. This also means that he will never run short of anything or people around him. This will provide a better outcome coming from the care workers as their job is made simpler because a well organised multi-disciplinary team can help avoid duplication of roles and conflicts of responsibilities between the different agencies, support plan manager and John himself. Confidentiality- This means that an individual has a right to privacy and control over their personal details. if the individual has trusted you enough for them to reveal their information, it is important to keep information provided by the individual confidential, it is also legal requirement. Sometimes this information needs to be passed on to another professional in John’s case, his doctor may need to pass on some information to his duty social worker but this must not be done unbeknownst to him. This benefits John because it means that sometimes he can let all of his thoughts out in confidence to somebody that he trusts and can feel as if a weight has been lifted of his shoulders this is because sometimes it is good to talk to someone about how you are feeling as it will help his emotional needs. This benefits the care worker because John opening up to them may make it easier for them to help him, advise him and hear his cry for help without having to wonder what he is really thinking. Fulfilling responsibilities- Care workers must follow the policies and procedures of the place in which they are employed and they must take full responsibility because they signed a contract. By doing this, they are safeguarding individuals like John who are in their care and are being good role models. This will also ensure that  people like John feel like they are actually being heard and that they are not alone and their needs are being fully met. This also benefits the care workers themselves because if John is satisfied then that gives them the heads up that they are meeting his needs and that they didn’t come into the job to be unhelpful and a disappointment.

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