Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Munich Agreement and the Events of the 1930s Essay

Munich Agreement and the Events of the 1930s - Essay Example The nation also remembers the victory and glory that came home to France, but not without a sense of bereavement. Indeed, the victory of 1914 came to France at a very gory price. Today, my dear friends, is the day France refused to repeat history. Today is the day the French refused to pay in the blood of its brothers for another victory. Today is the day France stands up in defiance of injustice and upholds the flag of peace to ensure peace and stability in the region. Today is the day, I, Edouard Daladier stand in front of the French parliament, having signed the historic Munich Agreement. This is a time to be celebrated. The world has learned to resolve its problems without shooting each other to smithereens. Statesmen of the civilized world, namely Britain, France, Germany and Italy, have learned to sit down and talk in peace to seek solutions for world peace, and that, I believe, is one of the greatest successes of the Munich Agreement. I am not blind to the fact that the Munich Agreement is plagued with controversy. Opponents of the agreement are keen to point fingers at the French government for betraying the people of Czechoslovakia and for supporting Germany in its evil designs. I feel that such concerns of the opponents of the Munich Agreement reek more of anti-French propaganda than of justice and truth. Myopic viewpoints would stand in the way of Britain and France, the two nations that are willing to sacrifice a lot in return of peace in Europe. Europe cannot afford another war, and Britain and France are aware of this reality. Germany’s aggressiveness must be appeased to achieve peace in Europe, and the Munich Agreement is a symbol of that very appeasement, which I believe all present in this room must not only appreciate, but acclaim as a remarkable effort on part of the French Government. Mes freres, the French nation has entrusted my office of the prime minister of france to not only represent them, but to give them access to the truth. Today I speak before you to present nothing but that. The state of Czechoslovakia has transgressed. It has denied its Sudeten population the autonomy it has desired for so long. The sacrifices the Sudeten have made and the atrocities the Czechs have committed against them are an open secret. The world has witnessed the cries of help from those who wish to cease their association with Czechoslovakia and join Germany. Why should the wishes of the public be denied? We see the Sudeten demand for autonomy as a justified demand, and one that the Czech government should be keen in advancing to its people. If an ethnic group finds belonging with Germany, it should be allowed to secede with it. The Munich Agreement, my friends, guarantees just that. The Agreement however, is not drawn simply to support the ideology backing the liberation of the Sudeten Germans. On 16th September of this same year, it is known to all that our government, in collaboration with the British government, presented a proposal to the President of Czechoslovakia, Edvard Benes. We presented a very reasonable proposal, which asked the Czech Government to hand over to Germany all those areas that are populated by more than fifty percent Sudeten Germans. In return, Czechoslovakia will be allowed to retain its independence. Such reasonable terms of the treaty were

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