Sunday, August 25, 2019

Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methodology - Essay Example It gives a clearly defined structure for the enquiry and supports the researcher to stay within a defined set of limits. This methodology provides the scheme for sampling, data collection, data analysis and explanation of findings for the research. For the sake of providing the best understanding, it will be appropriate to summarize important elements of the research in order to make the research methodology meaningful. Research aims The research aims as stated in chapter one are: 1) To understand the main objective of teaching and maintaining art in the curriculum 2) To provide an understanding of the importance of teaching and maintaining art in the curriculum for students in Iraq 3) To identify the role that art has played as a subject in the Iraqi community 4) Compare the approach to the teaching and learning of art in the UK and Iraq 3.3. Validity and reliability in research Validity refers to the use of right and correct methods or systems to conduct a research (Cohen et al, 20 07). As such, the use of such methods needs to be justified. On the other hand, reliability is about maintaining confidence in the work by showing that accuracy and other important yardsticks are safeguarded throughout the research (Goodwin, 2009). This research would be conducted with respect to various ethical requirements of research. As such, all relevant ethics in research in the UK would be included in the. In the sense of doing the research, it would be proper then to employ the use of triangulation as a mode of assessing not only the reliability of the data but also the confidence bestowed on the results given by the data. In triangulation different approaches are used in the data collection and analysis in order to evidently observe the coherence and resonance that is depicted by the various methods this explains why it’s believed to communicate the reliability of the data. Triangulation is also subdivided into various castes; triangulation of methods, investigator, data sources and that of theory triangulation (Creswell, 2009). All the components of the data are important in enhancing it reliability and adoption in doing qualitative researches. Just like in statistics, the reliability of the findings is only scientifically and statistically convincing based on the broad base of the various areas consulted. These increased bases do increase the chances of all factors consideration and is entirely imperative in communication the efficacy of a data to be adopted (Creswell, 2009). Even in the service rendered by the triangulation as a method of doing and carrying out a qualitative research, it has been equally defied given the technical challenges associated with it. A part from significantly inflating the total cost of the research, the method is also argued to provide a very difficult approach in trying to understand the various methods given the conflicting approaches considered in the multimethod exercise (Tashakkori, Abbas, and Teddlie, 2009) .research. In defining the variables, care would be taken to incorporate the writer's experience and experience of learned persons to attain guidelines on how to calibrate the variables. This will be done through consultation and discussions 3.2. Qualitative and Quantities Research Qualitative methods are meant to provide an observation of social phenomenon from a close analysis of facts and trends with a critical

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