Friday, May 17, 2019

Alzheimer’s Disease – Essay 2

Alzheimers complaint Joy Pachowicz PSY 350 Professor Alina Sheppe Perez May 15, 201 installation Alzheimers affection, despite being so widespread, is not really considered part of the aging process. According to Robert Feldman, author of the textbook, perceptiveness Psychology, only 19% of people who ar ages 75 to 84 suffer from this malady. It is only erstwhile they pass the age of 85, that the elderly need to be more concerned about the possibility of maturation Alzheimers disease. ( Feldman, p. 446)Fifty percent of all people over 85 years of age suffer from Alzheimers disease and researchers believe that if no cure for the disease is found by the year 2050 in that respect depart be 14 million people affected by this disease. (Feldman, p. 446) What is Alzheimers disease and how is it diagnosed? What atomic number 18 its symptoms and who are most apparent to explicate this disease? The purpose of this paper is to explore what Alzheimers disease is and offer most sugg estions of how to cuddle it in the future. What is Alzheimers Disease?According to the Alzheimers Foundation of America, Alzheimers Disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brains nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in the loss of memory, thinking, language skills, and behavioral changes (www. alzfdn. org) With Alzheimers disease, neuron cells are destroyed in the hippocampus, and this is what sparks the loss of short name memory and as neuron cells die in the cerebral cortex, so too the functionality of language and opened thinking sees a marked decline in the person who has developed Alzheimers disease (www. lzfdn. org) With Alzheimers disease, there is thinned production of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is very much involved with our ability to memorize and retain information so, if there is a decrease in Acetylcholine our memorys ability to function suffers greatly. (Feldman, p. 66) Symptoms of Alzheimers Disease How does unmatched know to even natter with a specialist or seek out ones medical exam student regarding Alzheimers disease? There are some telltale symptoms that set up red flags of warning.If you see any of these symptoms, please see a physician to pin down if you make water Alzheimers disease 1. storehouse Loss that disrupts Daily Life 2. Difficulties in planning events or solving problems 3. Difficulties performing familiar tasks or househ superannuated work 4. Confusion with time or place. 5. Troubles interpretation visual images and spacial relationships 6. Problems with forming words or with communicating Losing items and not being able to remember what one recently did. 7. Failing and poor judgement 8. Withdrawal from work or social activities 9. Changes in vagary or Behavioral ( www. lz. org) Now just because you may pass water one or all these doesnt needs mean you have Alzheimers disease. Time is very much a key element in performing on these symptoms . If these symptoms persist over a long period of time then its time to have a professional evaluation of the symptoms. . Diagnosing Alzheimers Disease According to the Alzheimers Association, there are several go to cultivate when trying to diagnose Alzheimers disease. First, one must consult with his/her medical doctor. When tone ending, its weighty to take a copy of ones whole medical history.While at the consultation, one can be addicted a mental status test. Along with this test, a physical and neurological exam should be given. kindred tests should be taken to rule out other possible causes of memory loss. (www. alz. org) The specialists one could see to determine whether one is suffering from Alzheimers disease and not some other illness are Psychologists, Neurologists and Psychiatrist. (www. alz. org) Stages of Alzheimers Disease As with other diseases, Alzheimers has varying dos it progresses through as it develops in the body and affects the brain.The first do co nsists of the mere manifestation of the symptoms of Alzheimers disease, which we have already listed memory problems, difficulty forming words, forgetfulness etc. ( www. nia. nih. gov) The next stage would be what doctors would label the mild stage of Alzheimers disease. During this stage, cognitive abilities are more impaired. There are difficulties with handling money or paying bills. Repeating things over and over again begin to be notice. (www. nia. nih. gov) The mild stage gives way to the crack stage of Alzheimers disease.New symptoms appear and older ones worsen. Memory continues to decline in this stage. In this stage it becomes more and more difficult to recognize family and friends. In the moderate stage of Alzheimers disease there are hallucinations and paranoia. Its more difficult to get dressed, soften and perform simple task. ( www. nia. nih. gov) The final stage of Alzheimers disease is the severe stage. People with severe Alzheimers disease spend most their time in bed, sleeping. Their body shuts down. ( www. nia. nih. gov) Treating Alzheimers diseaseSince Alzheimers disease is caused by a plaque buildup in the synapse that prevents the communication of neurons, one to another researchers have found a way to allow these neurons to communicate despite this buildup. Donepezil is one such drug that has been released for the treatment of Alzheimers disease. other name for this drug is Aricept. What Aricept does is increases the memorys capacity. ( Feldman, p. 229) There are other drugs being tested but, rightfulness now the most popular treatment for Alzheimers disease is the use of Aricept. In the NewsResearchers of superior Sun Health Research appoint have been studying the relationship that copper and cholesterol have to Alzheimers disease. They believe that dementia is caused by tangles and plaque in the brain. Copper has been implicated in the increase progression of Alzheimers disease in those who have the disease. Cholesterol, which is a major cause of plaque buildup in other parts of the body, therefore, it can be a contributing cause of plaque buildup in the brain. (redorbit. com) In the BSHRI study, Sparks and his team performed a pilot study of long-term dietary cholesterol in four groups of rabbits. i group was administered normal food and water and three groups were administered increasing levels of a cholesterol diet for flipper months. Significantly, plasma levels of tau increased by 40 to 50 percent in each of the cholesterol-fed animal groups afterward five months of the experimental diet (redorbit. com) In another research program being conducted by scientists through the USF Health Byrd Alzheimers Institute, Indiana University and Floridas Alzheimers Disease Research Center a indisputable protein beta amyloid was singled out to be the cause of neurons malfunctioning that causes memory oss which is associated with Alzheimers Disease. (redorbit. com) By identifying a brand new and extremely important target of the amyloid proteins toxicity, we can develop drugs for Alzheimers disease that may protect the motors from inhibition and allow the brain to regenerate properly, said principal investigator Huntington Potter, PhD, a prof of Molecular Medicine who holds the Pfeiffer Endowed Chair for Alzheimers Disease Research. (redorbit. com) Coping with Alzheimers disease There are many ways to fight the adverse symptoms of Alzheimers disease.Below are some ways a person can cope with Alzheimers disease Keep a notebook handy to picture important numbers, appointments and dates. Use sticky note to help remember things of importance Keep important squall numbers next to telephone (in large print) Have a contact who will call to prompt of meal clock, appointments or other. Use a calendar to keep track of the day of week. Keep photos of important people around have names of who these important people are somewhere on the picture. When going out always have another person to go along, to avoid getting lost. For Care Providers Providing a wellnessy lifestyle is a must. Good nutrition, exercise and appropriate social interactions all help to develop a healthy environment for the Alzheimers patient. Have a planned daily routine .. so that Alzheimers patient can develop a sense of accomplishment and value. Choose proper times for activities. Many times night time is not a good time for Alzheimers patients. get along independence with the Alzheimers patient, let them do for themselves as much as possible. Speak slowly and sedately Make eye contact. Give simple instructions (webmd. com) Conclusion Alzheimers disease is a widely spread disease that affects a great number of elderly people worldwide. While it is frequently associated with old age it is not considered part of the aging process. Recent studies provided some hopeful ways to help wear out the spread of Alzheimers disease, and also provided warnings of what can happen if a cure to Alzheimers disease is not found.. While a person may show many symptoms of Alzheimers disease, only a medical doctor can confirm whether Alzheimers disease is present.Through various tests, doctors rule out other possible diseases before focusing on Alzheimers disease. Alzheimers disease has many stages and faces and the best approach is to arrest it while its in its early stages. Once Alzheimers settles in and brain cells moolah dying, the only thing left to do is to accommodate the limitations that come with the disease. Educating oneself about Alzheimers disease is a must for everyone. More than likely, every one of us will come face to face with it in one fashion or another.We will either be taking care of someone who has it or, we will develop it ourselves. Alzheimers disease affects both the patient and those around him/her. Take time to become versed of this disease, id worth the effort. . References Alzheimers Disease Special Tips for Maintaining a Normal life. Retrieved From. http// www. webmd. com/alzheimers/caregivers-09/memory-tips Coping With Alzheimers Special instruction manual for Care Providers. Retrieved From http//www. webmd. com/alzheimers/caregivers-09/caregivers-tips Feldman. R. F. (2008).Understanding Psychology. (8th Edition). NYC. New York. McGraw/Hill. National Institute On Aging. Care giver Guide. Retrieved from. http//www. nia. nih. gov/Alzheimers/Publications/caregiverguide. htm National Institute on Aging. Tips for Care Givers. Retrieved from. http//www. nia. nih. gov/nia. nih. gov Researchers Find Further Evidence Linking Alzheimers Disease to Copper and Cholesterol Retrieved from. http//www. redorbit. com/news/health/2046137/banner_sun_health_research_institute_res earchers_find_further_evidence_linking/index. html

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