Friday, May 10, 2019

Critically evaluate equality of opportunity in (a) the teaching Essay

Critically tax liveity of opportunity in (a) the article of faith profession OR (b) the classroom - Essay ExampleIt must(prenominal) be pointed out that the EO in breeding profession result to EO in education and hence whatsoever discussion for EO in the classroom must be taken to explain the effect of EO in the teaching profession. On the hand the inequality of opportunity (IEO) teaching profession result to IEO in education and hence, some(prenominal) discussion for IEO in the classroom must be taken to explain the effect of IEO in the teaching profession. The premise the teaching profession affects education is based on the premise that teachers bear great obligation in moulding education of students who will become professionals and matured members of society. And hence unsloped teachers produce good students in the classroom and good teachers and good students produce good education of UK citizens.Let us nail tinkering with school structures, such as bringing back gram mar schools, or promoting selection and the rest. Let us ring the real problem, which is to recruit more teachers and better qualified teachers, with adequate resources for them to do the job of raising the popular standard of basic education in our country. (Callaghan, 2001)Community Council of Devon (CCD) defines equal opportunities EO as that virtually ensuring fair and equal treatment for everyone, and tackling discrimination wherever it exists in our society. It says the fundamental principle is that employment opportunities and service provisions should be free from bias, and equally available to all. It posits as well that equal EO involves the breakdown and removal of discriminatory structures, diagonal policies and prejudicial practices in organisations and individuals. It further states that EO seeks to replace processes that perpetuate inequality with fairer and more effective ways of working. (Community Council of Devon, 2002, pages 1-4) (paraphrasing made)CCD summar ized that EOP is about the elimination of discrimination, maximising potential, taking positive action, implementing change,

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